View Full Version : Shot Show 2007

11-27-2006, 02:19 PM
Just wondering who is going to SHOT Show in Orlando in January.

We'll be there. Booth 474, if anyone wants to stop by.


12-13-2006, 10:34 PM
What are the dates? I'm leaving for Zimbabwe in late January or early February but I would like to attend if possible. If you have any info please email it to me at: dixiedetectors@aol.com/ thanks, grayghost

12-14-2006, 08:14 AM

Show Show is January 11 - 14 at the Orlando Convention Center.

This is the official site: Show Show 2007 (http://www.shotshow.org/App/homepage.cfm?moduleid=1968&appname=100300)


01-04-2007, 08:15 AM
O.k., seriously, no one is going to Shot Show? I was hoping I might get to meet a few of you in person.

Well, guess I'll have to do a Shot Show diary on the GSI blog so everyone can hear about all the excitement.

If anyone else is going, do come and visit us. Booth 474.


01-04-2007, 09:52 AM
Been to a couple. Wow!! Sensory overload for a gun guy. Unbelievable. Can't go this year but maybe next. Applying for my FFL again I think. Also think I am crazy to do that.

01-04-2007, 11:00 AM
I thought about it, but it takes a number of articles just to pay for the expense of going to SHOT and I get the media packages in the mail anyways. I think I will put the money towards a hunting trip instead.

Rocky Raab
01-04-2007, 11:13 AM
I was invited to go -- to work, not enjoy.

But I'm going to be a first-time Grampa on Jan 14. Priorities.

01-04-2007, 12:06 PM

I suppose becoming a grandfather would take priority. Congratulations. Do you know if it is a boy or a girl yet?


This is my first SHOT Show. I'm told it is quite a bit of sensory overload. I'm just excited about all the people I will get to meet. I'm looking forward to seeing in person some of the people I've met on forums and blogs and spoken with by phone.


I did know they sent out media packets. I guess there will also be over 900 media representatives in attendance. Should be fun for me. By the way, for whom do you write?


01-15-2007, 09:54 AM
Well, just got back from SHOT Show. Talk about sensory overload!

There was so much to see and do. Also got to talk to a lot of great people about our product. We got a really good response, so that was wonderful.

I really enjoyed my first show. I wish I'd had time to see more things, but I was too busy talking to people about the Gunslinger.

Did anyone else end up going?


01-15-2007, 10:11 AM
Are you going to be doing any of the outdoor shows in mi

01-22-2007, 05:08 PM

Not sure at this point. We're still recovering from Shot Show. We will be at the Hunting and Fishing Expo in Traverse City in March. That's home turf.

Looking to see what other "local" shows are available is on my list of things to do.

Have you been to any you would recommend?