View Full Version : elk pics...

11-28-2006, 10:14 PM
Hey all,
Just thought i would stop by and post some pics.

Here is a pic i took this summer fire fighting of a couple bulls, i really like how this pic turned out:


Here is a matched set of elk sheds we found at 9000' while elk hunting in late oct, i couldn't believe how high we found these sheds. I found the one in my left hand. Its from a 350ish size bull. These sheds are from a public land general season hunt. Thats what I love about WY, even with a general tag you could still find a big one.


And finally here is my 2006 general season bull. It wasn't what i was hoping for and i actually shot this bull on the last day of the season. It was a season of ups and downs, I missed quite a few nice bulls before i took this one. I would check my rifle after i missed a bull but it was never the rifle. Just good old fashion bull fever. This is my 9th public land general season elk in 11 years of hunting. My bull is on the left my buddies is on the right:


Overall it was a great season with elk being spotted every day. It seems Wyoming's general elk season gets better every year. Can't wait for next year!

Thanks for lookin'


M.T. Pockets
11-29-2006, 10:00 AM
Glad to hear you had a good season. I've hunted on the General tag 3 times and had 3 great hunts. I'm a non-resident and I appreciate being able to come out to Wyoming every few years.

11-29-2006, 08:15 PM
M.T. Pockets,
Where do you hunt elk at in WY? I hunt above moran junction in Pacific creek early in the season and work my way down to the hoback in late oct for their opener. Pacific creek has a lot of elk, but just as many grizzlies lol.


M.T. Pockets
11-30-2006, 10:14 AM
I've hunted Pacific Creek too, plenty of grizz and now wolves too. I've also hunted the Arizona Creek area as well.

I've also hunted the Spread Creek area just South of Togotee and the Fall Creek area not far from Hoback.

This last fall I packed into the Thorofare over the Deer Creek pass. That was an experience, 12 hours in the saddle each way if you don't have a wreck. I was surprised at how busy that area is for being so remote. There was no shortage of hunters even waaaaay back in there by the Yellowstone boundary. Plenty of grizzly bears and wolves there too. I saw the least elk by far of any trip to Wyoming in this area and the bulls were not bugling during the week of Sept. 20th even though conditions were perfect with a cold snap and a foot of new snow.

I enjoy hunting Wyoming, but I'm afraid I'm priced out of it now. The non-resident license is over $900 and the areas I like require hiring a guide. I'm not complaining, it's just the way it is, there are plenty of other non-resident hunters that will pay it, I just can't do it again.

I've been treated well by all of the resident hunters I've encountered except one. I enjoy the country and people of Wyoming a lot and will return on vacations. I may be able to come back on a cow elk hunt in an area that does not require a guide, but I'm very glad that I have been able to hunt bulls in your state and have taken 3 bulls. I've been in amongst some mighty big bulls during the bugle, I've seen and smelled grizzly bears and I even had a big old timberwolf trot in front of me. I've seen B&C class moose & sheep too. Good luck to you and I hope you have many good years of hunting in your future. Don't take living in your state for granted and don't let a season get by you.

11-30-2006, 08:58 PM
MT pockets,
Im glad you've had some great experiences here! Sounds like you've been pretty successful too. I can't believe how much they want for a non resident elk license, rumor on the block is they are going up again in two years.

It's amazing how many hunters there are way back there isn't it? I've found that the best spots are not always the farthest back in, but just far enough to get away from the day hunters but not so far that you run into all the outfitters. I call it the "dead" zone because usually its void of hunters and a lot of animals end up dead after we are done going through it ;).

Theres still some great areas in WY you can hunt that are not in wilderness areas, just takes a little research but they are there. Sure there may be more hunters, but i believe that you get what you put into the hunt...most the time. Still takes a little luck.