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View Full Version : smoke pole

11-29-2006, 08:09 PM
Smoke pole opens here friday and i see we are getting some snow and rain but i am looking forward to it.
We are makeing a family thing out of it this year i am takeing my son and my brother in law is takeing his and the father in law is comeing.
I am going to let my son youse my in line and i am taging along with the side lock it has been a slow seasen for the hole group with all the corn but it is down most of it any way.
I would love to be sitting next to my son when he kills a nice buck for that matter any buck.
I was wondering if any one else was going out this weekend for it and how there seasen has been?
I see lone wolf has had some decent luck this year all i have so far is a doe as well as ever one in my group bucks have been hard to come by for my group.
I gess the silver lineing this year is all the yearlings i have been seeing lots of buck yearlings.