View Full Version : Cane poles

11-30-2006, 09:50 AM
Been rerading some on-line info on cane poles.
I have just been introduced to a fishing spot where a long -long fishing pole would be just the right crappy bream getter. Its a slough so putting the boat in is not an option.
Anyway the writers suggest cutting your own cane poles. Problem is I don't think they grow this far north. SE Iowa. At least I've never seen any.
So how far south do I have to go to get into bamboo growing in waste land where I can find what I'm looking for? Read(free for the taking)

11-30-2006, 09:53 AM
Guess I should have mentioned I'm probably looking for something along the mississippi river.

Andy L
12-01-2006, 09:00 PM
Dont know about cane. But, I do have a 9' graphite rod with a spinning reel that works wonders on crappie. I use it when they are on the the bank to pitch jigs at the band and pedelum swing the jig back at the depth I want it. Get alot more casts and more controlled bait this way. Also works great on reaching back into trees to drop the jig straight down.

Great crappie rod. Same principal. Just more modern and much better feel. You can feel them breathe on it.

12-04-2006, 08:13 AM
Cuttin yer own is the way to go IF ya can. If not the wal-mart down here sold some 10' and 14' cane poles last year. 10' where two section with a joint, 14' where three section with a joint. Cost me $3.78 for a 10'. . . .

Lookin fer yer own look fer very sandy banks and flood plains where alot o grass don't grow. Ya know the type where the grass that does grow is LONG whispy strands. . . . Anyway you can usually find a cane stand somewhere around there assumin a landowner aint mowed 'em down.
