View Full Version : Gun Shows etc

12-04-2006, 11:54 PM
Went to a gun show this last weekend. As usual I got a little crazy. My wife says a little over excited. What can I say about her? She has more shoes than Imelda. So I need more guns. Did a little horsetrading with some of the people that were there too. Ended up with an 86 Winchester, a S&W 629 with a really neat holster rig, a new in the box Ruger 77 Stainless 243, a beater Ruger Blackhawk 357,a new Bisley Blackhawk 357 and a S&W mod 53 22 jet. Traded a Colt Combat Commander, A Pre war Winchester 94 30WCF and 300 bucks. I really hated parting with all that cash. But think I did ok..oops, also got a Burris 4x12 silver scope, but I had to add a few cans of Hodgdon powder I had in the truck. I'm gonna put it on my Ruger 22 Hornet..or maybe the Ruger 243. If I don't sell it first! BTW.. Another wolf is hanging around on the ridge behind the house here. Ain't all that many wolves in Wyoming!:rolleyes: Yeah, right!

Rocky Raab
12-05-2006, 08:52 AM
Quite a haul there, skeet! You seem to have come out way ahead.

Re: the wolves - just go with the flow, my friend. If the Fish & Game people insist that there are very few wolves living near your place, well then by gosh it's your job to make 'em right!

12-05-2006, 09:18 AM
Yup make durn sure they are right!

Nice haul there buddy. And whaddaya mean a beater blackhawk 357? There aint no such thing as a beater blackhawk! BUT since it is in SUCH bad shape if ya just gotta throw it away lemme know I can "dispose" of it fer ya!

Congrats buddy.


12-05-2006, 05:30 PM
I don't know about coming out ahead. The Winchester was a pre-war and really nice...and the Colt was a series 70 Combat commander in rare nickle finish....still in the box too.
GOB the beater blackhawk reeaaalllyyy looks rough. Hasn't been shot too much but it really doesn't have too much finish. Had a Smith from Laramie offer me 150 for it..but I figured since I have an old bucket type of holster I can hang on the handlebars of my horse(he has Polaris wrote across his forehead!) I figgered I'd keep it. Just for a conversation piece ya unnerstand? As far as the wolfies...well he was a hanging around the house here last night. Dogs wouldn't leave the porch of the house. I got a quick look at him in the moonlight but he was gone fore I could open up on him. Cain't kill them wolfies anyway...At least not in Wyoming. Still trying to find a S&W in 41 mag and a 45 single action. I need the 41 cause I have 600 rounds of ammo and about the same in new factory brass. The 45 I need so's I can load snake loads for Imelda...er ...ah.. My wife!

BTW there was a guy there that had a few Single actions in 475 and 500 Linebaugh. Boy was I tempted...but being as cheap as I am and them being in the 1500 buck range.. I figgered I'd let 'em stay there. He also had a 44 Automag made by High Standard but it was sure pricey too. He even had dies brass ammo etc with all them guns

Rocky Raab
12-05-2006, 09:02 PM
Is that beater Blackhawk a flattop, or the later three-screw large frame model?

12-06-2006, 02:24 AM
No the ol beater is a new model believe it or not. I do have a 4 5/8 in old model but it really is in nice condition. The only Flattop I have is a 44 mag. 2nd year. And it is sold pending the funds arriving soon. Pretty gun but not necessary to keep. I have to get rid of some stuff. And I do want to get a 41 mag of some kind. Like I need it.

12-07-2006, 04:32 PM
Go get a bar of soap and repeat after me, while washing your mouth out;
"Need is a dirty 4 letter word. I will never use it again when discussing a gun of any type."

12-07-2006, 10:21 PM
Is not a dirty dirty word...unless it is coming from the mouth of Imelda...er...ahh..my wife. Need is a legitimate word describing the imminent purchase(or trade) of a new and necessary item of shooting paraphenalia(which includes guns and or reloaders ammo or anything to do with the shooting, hunting or outdoors sports that we all(at least on this board) seem to enjoy.) So need is an ok word..except in the mind of some wives or,unbelievably rare,husbands. Of course, need is a word that women often use in connection with new shoes(in the case of Imelda, my wife) or dresses and hopefully, although very ocassionally, some LITTLE tidbit from Victoria's Secret!!:D :eek: What are some of those things they sell??:confused: :confused: