View Full Version : The Glock M19 for CCW carry.
Adam Helmer
12-05-2006, 05:44 PM
While I do not really like "plastic" guns, the Glock M19 is one of my favorite CCW carry arms. I was issued an M19 in 1989 and carried it on duty until I retired in 1996. Since I purchased my Glock in 1989, it was carried as a POW (Personally Owned Weapon) on the Division records until I retired.
The Glock M19 is a 9mm, but loaded right, all 15 rounds on board bode well for CCW carry. I like the fact it has no safety, decocking levers, and whatnot to muck things up in a hot corner. Like a DA revolver or water pistol, a Glock is a sensible point and shoot proposition. With 115 grain WW Silvertips, the 9mm is a decent CCW arm, in my opinion.
I love glock threads, my computer has gone to hell i dont get on line much. any how, just an fyi, on sites that are hardcore glock, gaston's fire arms are referred to with a G. examples a G-19 G-26, G-27 etc. some sites give a damn about that. any how. glocks would not be the top selling concealed weapon if they didnt kick butt. one thing i find is people bad mouth them without just cause. any how one major thing i hear is even the sub compacts are too big compared to some of the 380's or sub 9's or 40"s. sure it is nice to have a peice you dont realize is there but come game time give me that mid size piece that i know is ready for battle when it is time for chitty chitty bang bang.
i love glocks what can i say.
12-12-2006, 12:53 PM
I think I know what you mean. I dont "like" (as in appreciate for their asthetic properties) Glocks either but as functional firearms they are fine and certainly do all the things we demand of a practical defense gun.
Personally, I think the G-19 and 23 are their most efficient designs. While I prefer bigger bullets (but recognize that all handguns that are concealable are "inadequate" to turn off determined attackers instantly with one non-CNS hit), the G21 and 30 (and 20,29) are simply too big to fit my hand.
A 19 or 23 makes a fine compact package while not getting into the breakage or controlability problems I have seen with 26s and 27s (even then they are not bad guns either).
I used to carry my 23 as a backup gug but I finally just started carrying another 1911 or a LW Commander for that job, but I really would not hesitate to put the Glock back on again and I keep it in my vehicle as a "loaner" along with extra handcuffs, flashlights, ammo, etc.
12-14-2006, 02:42 AM
My G19 is my standard sidearm while working armed posts. I have never felt "underguned" by only having a 9mm, in down right hostile areas. Ive put thousands of rounds through it, with only one FTF. The FTF was due to the pimer of the cartrage, not the arm.
I love my 1911, but untill I get a better rust resistant finish than matt. My Glock is still my #1 chioce for a "cover all" handgun, Even as a P.O.W. . It is much lighter than my 1911, I dont need to carry a second 8rd mag, and it will fire after going through heck and back. And oh so confortable... I also love Glock for the same K.I.S.S. reason that Adam stated.
My only problem is desiding between a .45 or a 10mm Glock as a new "cover all" P.O.W. . .45 = 2 legged vermin, or 10mm = all vermin(, but not as good as the .45 for two legged ones.):confused:
Adam Helmer
12-14-2006, 12:51 PM
Riposte1 & gregarat,
Yes, the Glock M19 is the current generation of handguns and I immediately chose the 19 over the 17 when we had a choice at the agency in 1989. The M19 is light, easy to conceal and I can empty the magazine "Just After" the first empty case hits the ground. I admit the "Pucker Factor" helped increase the firepower from that 15 round magazine, and I had two spare mags to "cover" the target area after the thunder subsided!
12-14-2006, 06:39 PM
Unfortunatly Glock is geting bad press from the Syracuse police dep. . The lack fo an external saftey is geting the blame for, poor training:mad: . I think S.P.D. Made the swich to the Smith .45ACP, where the Onondaga county Sheriff's are sticking with the G21
Now a smith in Syracuse developed an external safty, that can be aftermarket fitted to the Glock.
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