View Full Version : Grandma's fried catfish

12-07-2006, 08:23 AM
Ya catch about a half dozen to a dozen cats around a foot or so long.

Clean em skin em etc, BUT don't filet them and for Heaven's sake leave the tail on!

Roll em in cornmeal with a pinch of salt.

Heat up hog lard in a cast iron dutch oven or deep skillet.

Once the lard is good and hot ya fry them cats up till they are golden brown. . . .

While cats are cookin ya wash 15lbs of taters, keepin yer eyes on the cats so they don't burn. Cut the taters inta slices or sticks season with lowrys and when the cats are done ya dump the taters in the skillet and fry them up.

After they taters are done ya got a meal better than any king has ever eat. . . .


12-07-2006, 08:40 AM
Gotta admit, that does sound good.

No catfish in my neck of the woods though. At least I don't think there are. I could be wrong.

Also, why leave the tail on? Is that so you can eat them with your fingers?


12-08-2006, 11:14 AM
Yes, and the old timers love to crunch on the tail. . . tasty treat. . . .
