View Full Version : Zimbabwe...finally

12-12-2006, 01:39 AM
Just found out I'll be going to Zim in late January or early February. This won't be my DG hunt but rather a business trip to check out my Outfitters camps and do some plains game hunting. May get to throw in some bird shooting as well. We're getting set up for some of the northern countries as well. Hopefully I'll be able to return within 2007 for Buff and Lion. We're already booked for 13 days in June (RSA) and due to a new ranch opening up to hunting for the first time in years, I'm most likely going over in March as well. The Rancher has his eye on a large Nyala bull for me, and that's my calling card. Trophy fee's for Zim should be released soon, so I'm crossing my fingers and hope they stay as reasonable as they have been in the past. Now if we could get Delta's new RSA route to leave direct from Nashville, I'd be on cloud 9. Good hunting, grayghost

Tennessee Elkman
12-16-2006, 02:48 PM
You lucky dawg! I hope you have a great trip and everything works out. Keep me posted and send pictures often, and go buy a new digital camera and video camera you tight wad! These are memories you'll never want to forget! Then you can email us from Africa with picture attachments!:D

12-16-2006, 09:59 PM
I do have a digital Sony but it's already outdated :( I'm looking at a video camera but like so many new electronics it will most likely be outdated too by the time I return home. If I get a new memory card camera, I have to have a new computer to download pictures :( and who wants to take video when they're trying to shoot something :confused: I managed to get plenty of still shots last July but that's what most PH's do: have decent to excellent camera skills :) What I really want aside from cameras, is a new scope. Did you read my last email about the VX-L 3.5X10X56m/m? Call me and we'll go duck hunting this week. Good hunting, grayghost

01-22-2007, 01:13 AM
In two weeks I'll be in Zim. I'll be hunting Kudu, Zebra, Waterbuck, Bushbuck, Reedbuck, Duiker, Steenbok, Tsessebe, Blue Wildebeast and according to my Outfitter, some surprises. I'm told temps are running an average of 60-80 degrees but I'm prepared (hopefully) for hot weather. Will be spraying my hunting clothes with Permanone and begin my Malaria meds next week along with Vitimin B-1. I took B-1 last year (2 morning, 2 evening) beginning two weeks before I left for RSA and had zero tick bites. Both our PHs suffered daily from them. Hopefully, I will have the same results. Big game season is over here and I imagine in most states with the exception of the deep south, so getting to continue hunting is a plus. Good hunting, grayghost