View Full Version : Mailorder Bow -- Headaches?

12-29-2006, 08:15 AM
I'm thinking of ordering a Bow. Not so easy for me to pop in a Pro Shop, get measured, etc. I see some pretty good deals on the net though, so was wondering if I should even consider ordering one or if this will be a nightmare and I've spent bucks for nothing. I'm interested in having a decent setup for practice and eventual hunting, but not looking for the perfect setup to hunt with 365 days a year (wouldn't be a bad idea tho! ;) . Is Reflex made by Hoyt? That's one I'd be interested in, at least I think. I'm thinking a Compound, 50-60lb or so pull.

Just looking for some pointers, good and bad, of what to reasonably expect if I get one thru the mail. I know there's a bunch out there, so somebody must be ordering them??? Thanks, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

12-29-2006, 10:31 AM
I got my bow through the mail about 9 years ago and it works just fine. The important thing to do is to figure out your draw length, but I think my bow has the ability to be adjusted for draw length just by replacing a portion of the pulley.

The one thing you will sacrfice is that you will not be able to shoot the bow before buying it. I didn't have the chance to shoot mine, and everything worked out fine. The next bow I buy will either be a Mathews or Hoyt, but at the rate I am going with bow hunting that will not be for quite some time, if ever.

When I was thinking about buying a bow, the options were Mathews, Hoyt, Reflex, and PSE. I ended up going with a decent PSE setup with a long brace height because I was knew to shooting a bow. By the way, Reflex is made by Hoyt. When I bought my bow, I was broke so a Mathews or a Hoyt wasn't in my price range.

01-04-2007, 01:22 AM
Thanks for your info Fabs. I'm just weighing my options, no hurry, so I'm keeping them open. I see most of what I'm interested in are draw length adjustable, i.e., like from 27 to 30 inches, which is what I'm pretty sure I'd need. Waidmannsheil, Dom.

01-04-2007, 12:42 PM
Hey Dom,

I ordered my last bow through www.huntersfriend.com and got a good bow package in the Reflex Grand Slam at a fair price and was very happy with their knowledgable staff. It arrived set-up and I was shooting bulls at 20-25 yards the first outing with no adjustments on my part. I did end up swapping out a pendulum sight months later and is what I have on it now. The bowshop that I had frequented previously had closed so I began looking at other options and came across Huntersfriend. I was pleased with them. Give their website a look-lot's of good archery related things there such as tutorials and product comparisons. Good luck!

01-05-2007, 04:44 AM
Hello Steverino, thanks for the link, great site and lots of info there!! Glad to hear that you can get one mail order and be happy with it, Dom.