View Full Version : Pistol to buy???

12-30-2006, 10:54 PM
I was just wondering which pistol you all think i (my step-dad) should get. The Springfield XD, Taurus 24/7, or the Ruger P345 all of these in 45 caliber. I was just wondering if anyone owned shot or heard things about these. We would just be using them for home defense (sort of we live in a great neighborhood so i dont think so, but its always nice to have a plan), casual shooting, and just another gun to add to the collection, and what is the best price you have seen any of these guns for and where.


12-30-2006, 11:00 PM
My vote would go to the XD. I have a couple in 9 and 40 S&W and they are excellent guns. The Ruger would be second choice because they are very reliable guns, they're just pigs in the ergonomics department. Your results might vary. The Taurus? Phoooey on 'em. Haven't handled or shot one yet that impresses me. I'd do without it.

My .02

12-31-2006, 04:56 AM
I've owned Rugers every since I was old enough to buy guns and they're great guns. Not much to look at sometimes but I've never had a problem with mine shooting. I just bought myself a Springfield XD-40 and love it. Great balance, accuarcy. handling, everything; more than worth the money. I never shot a Taurus but have held a few and they just didn't feel right. Hope this helps FWIW. Good luck and good shooting

Aim to maim
12-31-2006, 09:51 AM
I agree with TreeDoc and Tater.

(This may be the first time in the history of firearms forums that when given three variables, the first three posters all came up with essentially the same opinion). :) ;)

Sorry, can't help with pricing info because I haven't shopped for any of the three lately.

12-31-2006, 12:00 PM
All of them will run.

XD's are accurate and have the grip safety.

Don't knock the Taurus. They've come a long way. The 24/7 is actually very good and has an external safety. Some are actually running in the USPSA circles. Just be sure to get the 24/7 Pro versus the regular 24/7. The Pro has a slightly better trigger than the XD and a lot lighter than the standard 24/7.

Never met a Ruger autoloader that wasn't dead nuts reliable...but they're just not the most accurate.

12-31-2006, 11:58 PM
Hello Huntingbuddy...

Get the XD45 acp it is a superb firearm, backed with a lifetime guarantee from SA.. Ive had mine since March and couldnt be more satisfied in choosing the XD.

Also order a couple more magazines.


01-05-2007, 08:02 AM
I dont make recommendations (except that anyone who decides to keep a weapon for serious use should get some serious trainging). However, I may be able to give a little information.

I have a 5" XD in .45 (dont take that as a "vote", I have a lot of guns for evaluation). So far it has proven reliable and accurate but I probably only have about 500 rounds through it. Though it is a touch on the "big" side (as in fat - but who am I to talk [:)] ) that should not matter for a house gun or even a car gun. It had around a 5 lb trigger to start.

Sad to say, I dont have much experience with the Taurus 24/7. The Rugers I have experience with have been OK though a few have dumped their magazines without warning.

It is just a personal thing but I cringe when I see folks by guns (like Glocks, S&W M&Ps, Taurus and others which are essentially carried "cocked and unlocked") without formal and dilligent safety training. But still, it is the operator not the gun which ultimately is "safe" or "unsafe".

That said, until the Glock became popular with police, the vast majority (as in 95%) of Negligent Discharges I saw came from DA/SA design firearms (most of those on holstering but many from the flagarant violation of "Rule 3". The N.D.s with Glocks and others are for the same reason.

Guns are dangerous...they are supposed to be! Of course they are less dangerous than cars and those are not supposed to be.

Sorry for the rant.

01-05-2007, 08:04 AM
I dont make recommendations (except that anyone who decides to keep a weapon for serious use should get some serious trainging). However, I may be able to give a little information.

I have a 5" XD in .45 (dont take that as a "vote", I have a lot of guns for evaluation). So far it has proven reliable and accurate but I probably only have about 500 rounds through it. Though it is a touch on the "big" side (as in fat - but who am I to talk [:)] ) that should not matter for a house gun or even a car gun. It had around a 5 lb trigger to start.

Sad to say, I dont have much experience with the Taurus 24/7

It is just a personal thing but I cringe when I see folks by guns (like Glocks, S&W M&Ps, Taurus and others which are essentially carried "cocked and unlocked") without formal and dilligent safety training. But still, it is the operator not the gun which ultimately is "safe" or "unsafe".

That said, until the Glock became popular with police, the vast majority (as in 95%) of Negligent Discharges I saw came from DA/SA design firearms (most of those on holstering but many from the flagarant violation of "Rule 3". The N.D.s with Glocks and others are for the same reason.

Guns are dangerous...they are supposed to be! Of course they are less dangerous than cars and those are not supposed to be.

Sorry for the rant.

Aim to maim
01-05-2007, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by Riposte1

It is just a personal thing but I cringe when I see folks buy guns (like Glocks, S&W M&Ps, Taurus and others which are essentially carried "cocked and unlocked") without formal and dilligent safety training. But still, it is the operator not the gun which ultimately is "safe" or "unsafe".

Sorry for the rant.

Ditto, double ditto and Amen!! I didn't look upon it as a rant.