View Full Version : Finaly done it !!!

01-02-2007, 02:09 PM
Hy guys.

So, I finaly got myself a shotgun.
After I noticed that the stores in my area were raising the prices of guns in my area, I rushed to the store and try to beat them at it. Well, I managed ! I got myself a Remington 870 Express with 28 inches barrel, modified choke, laminated stock in 3 in. magnum.
Since it was the last one they had the guy let me have it at 2006 price (327$+tax). Does not sound like much of a deal until you know that the 3 1.5mag. now sells for 485$, up from 365, a week earlier.
Anyway, with the weather beeing horribleright now I only managed to put a very few rounds through it yet to check fonction so far. It does go BOOM, forward, it ejects good, and kicks like mule compared to the Browning BPS I use to have.
Winchester "Super double X" 3in. mag 1 7/8 "BB" are downright punishing , but it's all part of the fun.

By the way, a friend of mine who spends about 2 months per year in Ontario recomended instaling an "UNDERTAKER" choke tube and he said to stick with "KENT" 3in.mag. BB,s for geese.
What do you guys think ?


01-02-2007, 02:35 PM
I have a 870 it is a work horse what will the main use of your gun be duck small game or deer.
I use mine for deer most the time becouse i also have a 1187 i have killed other game with it but i am hard on guns dureing our deer seasen and it has held up well.

01-02-2007, 05:58 PM
You`ll be well pleased with the 870. For the money I think they are the best gun on the market today. As for Kent shell steel is all they have around here and I cannot kill a goose with steel. I use Heavy Shot and Bismith. Much more expencive but I rearly miss with them.

01-07-2007, 02:15 PM
Depending upon your existing level of shooting skills, you may want to buy a 100 round box of cheap 1 ounce #8's at Wal-Mart, and a carton of clay birds. Then practice, until you can break most of the thrown birds.

870's are great guns.

01-07-2007, 04:04 PM
The 870 is a very versitile gun. I ran into a gun show at Hara arena in Dayton and bought a Rifled slug Barrel and a Turkey Barrel for mine and have taken lots of game with all three barrels.

Other than my Contenders, it's the most versitile gun I own. I bought the barrels from a guy named Dom from a place in Indiana. They were high polished blue, but vet wrap takes care of that if need be. Both barrels were a $155 each at the time. So for less than $600 I have a 3 way gun.

Can't beat that with a stick.

Best wishes, Bill

01-08-2007, 11:35 PM
ahhhh i remember my first shotgun, bless my grandmothers soul. i also remember having my mom launch the clay birds on a 20 degree december 26th. any how. i wish i could live my first years of wingshooting all over again, but the gun was an 870 express, i cant begin to count the species it took both hairy and feathered critters,
even a yuppie magazine like f+s can agree its one of the all time great shotguns. any how keep it clean, get a set of variable chokes, it came with modified, get IC maybe a full for gobblers. shoot when game is close steel will do okay and you dont need a 50 dollar plus choke, this post has inspired me to take the 870 for geese saturday