View Full Version : Company Carry Policies

Dan Morris
01-03-2007, 07:58 PM
Probably been covered before.....my company just issued a non possession at any time possession of firearms/weapon on any
company property. (I have written authorization to carry on "emergency entry"....responding to alarm company calls)
Kinda interested in other company's policies?

01-03-2007, 09:14 PM
Not only can we not have any type of firearm on the property, we cant even have a bow in our car during hunting season.

To follow rules to the letter you have to go back home to get your hunting gear to go hunting after work on the weekend.

I know that many people at work have carry permits . I think people sometimes "forget" they have their pistol in the car:rolleyes:

Managers never search tool boxes or lockers. If they were to search one car they would be forced to search all cars. I dont think they want to know what are in some of those cars.

Dont ask, dont tell, dont show anyone


01-04-2007, 05:55 PM
Yes the company i currently work for has a no carry at work or in your personal transport. But since that only say's firearm's a bow would be permitted. I just follow the old don't ask don't tell policy in this matter as I am a union worker and can just go sign the book at the hall and work for another company at any time. :)

I told them if I am going anywhere near east chicago, gary or hammond Indiana I am going well armed.

01-05-2007, 07:45 AM
I suppose one has to work out his own salvation. I had a student once who was a vetrenarian in a high crime area.

One night while attending to an injured dog in a bad section of town the owner asked him if he carried a gun. The Doc replied; "No, the police might catch me with it" (at that time there was no provision in this state for concealed or open carry for self defense - there is now).

He said the owner looked him in the eye and said: "It's better the police catch you with it than my neighbors catch you wihtout it!"

He bought a gun and, wisely, sought serious training the next day!


Adam Helmer
01-05-2007, 02:30 PM
Dan Morris,

I hear what you are saying about Company Policy not allowing arms on their property. There have been several suits filed in various states predicated on the fact a CCW is issued by the State the company is located in and the CCW does cover the act of carrying! I would further inquire if the Company Policy will PREVENT a workplace shooting that would find the current employees totally disarmed until police arrive, AFTER a 911 call is made!

I have not read the end result of the state suits mentioned. I would ask the Company if their policy contravenes the State CCW law. Any Company can make a policy, but is it in line with current state law?


Tennessee Elkman
01-05-2007, 02:56 PM
I own my own business and have two employee's (both women) and myself licenced to carry in Tennessee. We sometimes deal in large bank deposits and you never know what might happen.

01-05-2007, 06:28 PM
My company is the same way we are not supposed to have any guns on company property they say in my car also.
My personel fealings are they have no buisness going in my car if they feal they need to go in my car they can ge a search warrent.
The law allows us here to lock our guns in our cars in places we are not allowed to carry i feal that means work to.
I dont normaly carry on my way to or frome work but if i was going hunting after work i wouldnt think twice of loading up to go.

01-06-2007, 10:10 AM
We actually had help in passing our state CCDW permit law from a lady who was a survivor of a mass murder in which 14 people were killed. She put the responsibility for this squarely where it belonged - one the state for prohibiting concealed carry and on the policy of the company who prohibitted the possession of weapons.

We also received help from Susan G. Hupp who's parrents were killed in Luby's in Killeen Tx. who testified the same thing.

The sad thing is that both of these ladies had firearms nearby (but due to fear of breaking the law , and in the former case being fired, did not have them handy). The lady from our state was shot 4 times with an AK clone...at that point she decided company policy be damned and she went and got her gun but, unfortunately, she did not meet the villian again. She did meet a responding police officer and had the presence of mind not to shoot him - he let her keep the gun and told here to shoot the guy if she saw him again. She was a plucky gal for being shot through the lung with a rifle (3 of the rounds were low and did not inconvience her much though eventually it affected her walking ability)!


01-16-2007, 06:04 PM
Im going to ditch my unarned secutity job, but keep my armed one. Im going to pick up a delivery pizza/sushi/food delivery job. Food delivery payes darn well in a town full of collage kids. Also my work hours will alow me to take more classes.

I find it shocking how many delivery jobs prohibit firearms on duty! This town isnt just collage kids. There is a huge % of empoverished people here also. Assults on delivery drivers are common in this small city.

I figure my life is more valuable than a job that isnt even worth puting on my resume. One driver tried to argue "How are you going to defend yourself, with a pizza in one hand and a soda-pop bottle it the other?" I said "Toss them the food, and draw!"