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View Full Version : searching for the second of angle rifle

01-09-2007, 11:24 PM
That means the measurement center to center has to start with a .0, such as .099. This all started when i got a computer benchrest game. It seems pretty simple, build a 6 ppc, watch the wind flags and bang out bug hole groups. I found i could do it pretty easy, in cyber space anyway. So i started looking for a real ppc. I found one, a sleeved remmy that had everything from a jewel trigger to a sako extractor. Only problem was the guy said the barrel was shot out. Okay, i asked, since he was a benchrest gunsmith, did he have a barrel that would fit the action. He said the only thing he had was a .262 neck, 1.350 in diameter, 14 twist and 20 inches long hart "hummer" barrel that came off a rail gun, but he was having a hard time selling it because it was to heavy and would put the rifle over the weight limit. Well i hated to hear that. Crows and groundhogs might call foul, but they would be the only ones, lol. I told him to put it together, install a vias brake and ship it out. It arrived a few weeks later and i could hardly wait to shoot it. He sent dies, brass and a box of 68 gr. barts ultra 6mm bullets. I had some ramshot tac powder so i decided to start there. The first group was amazing, a .122, very close, not bad for the first try. A little tweaking and a no wind day and i got it into the .080`s. All i can say is this thing shoots! My best 5 shot has been a .059, that means the hole is smaller than just one round from a 30-06! And i stuck a .020 3 round that i just could`nt bring myself to put 2 more shots down range. The rifle is unreal, you can shoot it free recoil and see the bullet impact through the scope. It weighs just over 15 lbs, and has less recoil than a 22lr. I have found a little gust of wind will just ruin your day, and knock a group out into *gasp* the .2`s, lol. Anyway the search has been a successful one, and i have gained a lot of respect for the little 6 ppc along the way.

01-10-2007, 01:02 AM
You are correct, it is a good round. I know a guy who had one and the D/A sold it. On a bad day it shot in the 2's.

Now I hate to burst your ballon but didn't Barts go out of business, or am I thinking of someone else?

Skinny knows the name of the person who bought him out if I'm not mistaken. It's a Canuck company.

Who did your smith work for you? I might have to look them up. My smith closed up shop and got a job in the oil fields. $60 an hour is hard to turn down.

There used to be a bumper sticker around here when the oil fields were running full steam about 30 years ago that stated,"Please don't tell my folks I work in the oil patch,they think I'm a piano tuner in a whore house".

Garnered a few laughs.

Best wishes, Bill

P.S. What the heck happened to OSU? Did the team miss their flight? Good lord that was pitiful. I turned it off at the end of the first quarter. I bleed scarlet and grey and it just broke my heart.

01-10-2007, 07:02 AM

That is one heck of a gun. The deer rifles will never look the same when it comes to accuracy expectations. LOL:D

Billy, The Bucks just choked, plain and simple. terrible coaching decisions (why they decided to remain in a zone defense and only rush 3 the entire game is beyond me). Smith should give back the heisman after such a lousy performance. Wouldn't get rid of the ball, choosing instead to take sacks, loose fumbles, and throw an interception or two. Made him look like the terrible sophomore he used to be. And I'm sure 50+ days off didn't help.


Skinny Shooter
01-10-2007, 04:59 PM
HPBTMTCH, I'm almost jealous and have been repeating, thou shalt not covet... Well maybe just a little. :D

Hi Billy, Clint Starke sold the Starke Bullet Co to Richard of Wildcat Bullets.
Richard also has bought another bullet company which will be announced soon.
Some lexan-tipped Wildcat bullets are on the horizon.

01-10-2007, 05:19 PM
Well I blew that one. Oldtimers disease strikes again. Didn't mean to scare you HPBTMTCH.

And I got to go along with Skinny's "Thou shalt not covet".

Best wishes,Bill

01-10-2007, 11:54 PM
Thanks guys, Billy, i got it from Bob White at benchrest.com/shooterscorner. GD, when you came down, what was the group you turned with it? Was`nt it around .040 or something. Skinny i wish you could try it. If you are ever in this neck of the woods, look me up. As for the bucks, i don`t even want to go there.

01-11-2007, 06:22 AM

If memory serves correctly it was down around .030. Better get the calipers out and check again. LOL:D I've still got the target somewhere.;)
