View Full Version : Sunday huntin illegal or legal?
01-10-2007, 09:03 PM
Found this on the va dept game & fish website tonight...seems like after all this time we might be workin towards huntin on sundays...although I caint say we need it...nor could i say i'd be huntin on sunday. But anyways...kinda interestin input....esp note the 1997 results...some folks find it hard to swallow that most of us wanted it this way lol
BTW: notice where all the votes for this came from and what area they are in
A SUMMARY OF VIRGINIA HUNTERS’ OPINIONS ON SUNDAY HUNTING Submitted January 4, 2007 Prepared by Wildlife Division Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
On November 22, 2006 the first mailing of the survey was sent to a random sample of 5,000 licensed hunters throughout Virginia. A second, follow-up mailing was sent to non-respondents on December 8, 2006. A response rate of 59% was obtained from these two mailings. This sample size of 5,000 hunters reflects over ten times the number of completed surveys required to ensure that survey results would be generalizable to the total population of Virginia licensed hunters within a five percent margin of error at a 95 percent confidence level. The survey consisted of fourteen questions. First, individual hunters were asked about their support or opposition to Sunday hunting. Other questions asked hunters how they felt about potential restrictions or limits placed upon Sunday hunting, the distance they traveled to hunt, the number of days they hunted, and types of land they hunted on. Hunters were asked their opinions about how Sunday hunting could potentially impact relationships with landowners, time and opportunity to hunt, and the number of animals harvested. Finally, a series of demographic questions were included to obtain information about the hunters’ age, gender, and place of residence. The 2006 survey results indicate that 53% of all responding hunters said they Strongly Supported Sunday Hunting in Virginia, compared to 28.5% who said they were Strongly Opposed. This question was measured on a seven point scale (1=Strongly Oppose, 4=Neither oppose nor support, 7=Strongly Support). When the categories were combined, 62% of responding hunters indicated some level of support for Sunday hunting compared to 34% who were opposed. In the 1996 -1997 Virginia hunter survey, a similar question asked hunters whether they favored or opposed Sunday hunting. The results of this survey indicated 39% said they Strongly Favored Sunday hunting whereas 45% Strongly Opposed it. The 1996-1997 hunter survey question also used a 7-point scale (1=Strongly Oppose, 4=Does not matter, 7=Strongly Favor). When categories were combined, 45% of hunters favored Sunday hunting and 48% opposed it. The results from these two surveys indicate there is a significant difference in hunters’ opinions about Sunday hunting since 1996.
Regionally, there were minor differences in hunter’s support for Sunday hunting. Overall support ranged from 66% in northern Virginia (Region 5) to 58% in the south central Piedmont (Region 2) area of the state. Hunters were asked their level of support or opposition to certain restrictions or limitations to Sunday hunting. Hunters indicated their opposition to most of the restrictions. In fact, allowing Sunday hunting “with no limitations, just like any other hunting day” was supported by 56% of hunters and no one category of restrictions or limitations were supported by the majority of hunters. Hunters were also asked if they supported or opposed Sunday hunting for certain species. Generally, the majority of hunters supported the hunting of all species on Sundays, with two exceptions. First, 59% of hunters expressed opposition to deer hunting with dogs on Sunday whereas 37% of hunters opposed deer hunting without dogs on Sunday. Additionally, 55.5% of hunters said they opposed bear hunting with dogs while only 40% said they opposed bear hunting without dogs on Sunday. Over three-quarters (77.5%) of responding hunters believed that Sunday hunting would increase the amount of time to hunt and 63% said it would increase “opportunities for hunters to try new places to hunt in Virginia.” Sixty-two percent of hunters thought Sunday hunting would increase youth participation in hunting. Additional statistical analyses revealed a significant relationship between certain questions. A relationship was found between a hunter’s place of residence and support of Sunday hunting. Fifty-five percent of hunters who reside on farms supported Sunday hunting compared to 70% who reside in the suburbs and 77% residing in urban areas. A relationship between the age of hunters and support of Sunday hunting was also found. Specifically, 76% of hunters under the age of 30 supported Sunday hunting while only 41% over the age of 60 were supporters of Sunday hunting. The average age of hunters responding to this survey was 45.2 years and they ranged in age from 14 to 83 years of age. Ninety-seven percent of the respondents were male and 3% were female. Twenty-three percent of the respondents said they lived on farms, 43% lived in rural areas, 13% lived in towns with a population less than 50,000, 12% lived in the suburbs, and 9% lived in urban areas.
01-10-2007, 09:19 PM
We can't hunt in Maine on Sunday, either and that irks me. If I want to go hunting on Sunday, I don't even have the option and the last I heard, there were only like 7 states that you can't hunt on Sunday in the US. Most are in the so called bible belt and my state way up here in the northeast. Most people around here have Saturday and Sunday off and we can only hunt one of the two days.
Dan Morris
01-11-2007, 06:20 AM
Just another day in Dodge in Colorado.
01-11-2007, 07:16 AM
I'll give you this, it's a real drag to find out if you set up an out-of-state hunt.;) Found that one out the hard way, but it worked out pretty well anyway.
M.T. Pockets
01-11-2007, 08:31 AM
In Minnesota we can hunt on Sunday. Can't buy beer though.
01-11-2007, 09:53 AM
SD is open for hunting and beer lol
Andy L
01-11-2007, 10:07 AM
Its just another day here too. Only difference I see is cant buy beer til 11am. And thats a joke.
Yeah, I have my religious beliefs, but I wouldnt like the no huntin on Sunday thing. Dont drink anymore, so that doesnt bother me personally, but dont want it to go away. That would be just another chink in the armor against big brother. If folks wanna get up and get sauced on Sunday morning, let the heathans do it. Not my problem and they can answer for themselves when the time comes.
No huntin on Sunday has to be a drag for folks that work a normal job, 5 days a week. That leaves one day. Also has to suck for folks planning out of state huntin trips, especially if they have to plan around two weekends to make the hunt feasible.
I like freedom. Nothing to do with religion. People are free to choose on that too. I never read anywhere in the bible that says, thou shalt not sit in a treestand on sunday. LOL
01-11-2007, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Andy L
[B]Its just another day here too. Only difference I see is cant buy beer til 11am. And thats a joke.
Just like Ohio!
I agree with you Andy. I am fortunate enough to have a job that allows me some freedom with days off, but for a lot of people, the weekend is all they have. There is nothing wrong with hunting on Sunday. If the Sabbath is meant as a day of rest, then it only follows that hunting should be allowed. I can't think of anything more restful and relaxing than hunting, even if I have to drag a big doe up out of a steep ravine (like I did on a Sunday two years ago!).
01-11-2007, 10:50 AM
There is no Sunday hunting in parts of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Basically this is in areas that are mostly private land and bible areas.
I am a rural person and it does not really affect me as I still have 6 days to hunt.............but having said that I am completely FOR Sunday hunting. In this day and age when most people are from urban areas it is rediculous that Sunday is closed to hunting. As mentioned this only leaves one day for them to hunt. It limits weekend tourism in rural areas, which is self defeating for the rural people and their local economy. I also would like to know why others have the right to tell me I can't hunt on my own ranch on Sunday. Total B.S.!!!
Lastly, since we are apparently free to follow our religious beliefs regardless of which religion it is, why should the Christian Sunday have any bearing on what any person choses to do for recreation on Sunday? What makes hunting on Sunday a no- no, but it is OK to go out and catch fish and bash them on the head? Day of rest argument perhaps.........when did hunting become defined as work?
If Sunday hunting is personally objectionable to you or you do not believe in hunting on Sunday for what ever strange reason, then by all means don't do it. Others should have the choice to hunt on Sunday if they wish to. Heck, you can even get an afternoon hunt in after church.
What is next? The Seventh Day Adventists honor Saturday as their day of Sabbath and some Jews honor the Sabbath from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday...........if freedom of religions is really OK, perhaps hunting shouldn't be allowed on Saturday either and urban people would have ZERO days to hunt on the weekend.
Rocky Raab
01-11-2007, 10:52 AM
Isn't it curious that the liberal whiners who want to ban anything that has any reference to religion even remotely connected to the government (but who also are against hunting) are silent when it comes to this issue?
Complete hypocrites, I'd say.
(For the record, I think hunting should be allowed on Sunday as a matter of choice. Those who choose to hunt and those who choose not to should have the ability to decide for themselves.)
Skinny Shooter
01-11-2007, 11:10 AM
Sunday hunting in Pa is legal for crows, coyotes and some other minor varmints.
Nothing else. Yet.
I work 6 days a week during prime groundhoggin' season and would like an option to go out on Sundays.
Have mixed it up over this topic on another board dedicated to Pa hunting and its hard to believe how much folks think it will ruin hunting, more land will end up being posted, etc.
Andy L
01-11-2007, 11:17 AM
Good point Skyline. I almost mentioned the other religions. I have a friend that is a 7th Day preacher (or whatever they call themselves). He is always busy with the church on Saturday, but doesnt say anything to anyone else who doesnt. He loves to hunt and would be in sad shape if there were no hunting on Sunday.
Freedom to hunt any day should be the same as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, ect....
If Im wrong, Ill have to answer for it someday. Maybe? Depending on what religion you choose. ;)
01-11-2007, 12:30 PM
I'm here in PA with Skinny. We are still trying to get Sun huntin passed......maybe some day... :(
01-11-2007, 01:22 PM
OK...let me argue this point. While all ya'll hunt on Sunday...most of you have a 2 week gun season. We now have a 2 month gun season. If we legalize huntin on Sunday...will we lose huntin days?? YES...and a helluva lot of em too.
Will we lose all our 14 days (give or take-diff in each county) of doe days??? YES
This goes ACROSS the board too. Our fall turkey season is from mid-november till jan....gun season mind you...hen or gobbler. Will we lose that??? Hell yeah.....not to mention all our birds, small game etc.
And as far as huntin.....without dogs....esp as the season gits older...yer chances of baggin bucks are few and far between...private land is gittin scarce...and public land is hunted HARD now as it is. This would only make things worse.
Anybody can beotch about what THEY want....but they dont take the time to consider what everybody else wants, nor do they consider the uniqueness of each state. Not to mention runnin their mouth fore they realize they'd be cuttin off their nose to spite their face.
I say it again...and that report just proved it worse....bein invaded again. There's alot more to this than religion too....Not to mention that when this Sunday law was made...huntin WAS work. At least in our state anyways.
Ya know...all I got to say is: If you dont like it here...well then by god...dont come here and that goes for the freedom of religion thing too. That freedom of religion crap is what got Merry Christmas it's now Happy Holidays" and Santa Clause is now called "nondenominational holiday figure!"
01-11-2007, 01:32 PM
That is bunk.
Andy L
01-11-2007, 02:05 PM
HeHeHe, Little Reds fired up. :)
Im with ya on part of it Red. And, I dont plan on comin to VA to hunt. Our states are actually alot alike, so I can do most of it right here. Do you got bears? I may come out ifn you take me bear huntin.
As far as the private land/public land issues, its the same here. Unless you know someone, private land is out. Its almost impossible to get somewhere to hunt without leasing or knowing someone very well. MO does have a rich conservation department and lots of public land, relative to other midwest/eastern states, but it gets hammered and not that good in most cases. But I seriously doubt theres much difference from here and VA. I doubt that would change much. It may shorten your seasons? Maybe not.
Im with you on religion. I am born and raised southern baptist. I dont go to church anymore, but do have stronger beliefs than most. My choice to not go to church is personal and deals with hypocrits and church politics that take away from the purpose to begin with. Our country was founded as a Christian country and it turns my stomach to hear the happy holidays bs. But, on the other hand, our constitution also allows for freedom of religion. Im not about to try and tell someone what they can and cant do on that issue. Mostly because I think if we compromise one article, that will leave the rest vulnerable.
Were alot closer than you think Red. Give em hell. ;)
01-11-2007, 02:45 PM
"Im with you on religion. I am born and raised southern baptist. I dont go to church anymore, but do have stronger beliefs than most. My choice to not go to church is personal and deals with hypocrits and church politics that take away from the purpose to begin with. Our country was founded as a Christian country and it turns my stomach to hear the happy holidays bs. But, on the other hand, our constitution also allows for freedom of religion. Im not about to try and tell someone what they can and cant do on that issue. Mostly because I think if we compromise one article, that will leave the rest vulnerable."
Take out southern Baptist and insert Anglican and it pretty much applies to me. I might ad that it is not the 1700's any more. Hunting is now recreation or sport for the vast majority and I do not know anyone that calls it work.
We may not like the way Christianity has been put on the backburner in the various states and provinces.....but as you pointed out freedom of religion is in your constitution and it certainly applies in Canada as well. I was disturbed when they took the Lords Prayer out of the schools in the morning. Regardless of these issues, not allowing hunting on Sunday is not acceptable in this day and age.
Private land and access issues, along with the BLM land issues are not special to VA by any means or the United States for that matter. The issues are similar in many countries for hunters.
And no there is no fear of my traveling to VA from Canada to hunt either.
01-11-2007, 08:07 PM
Well, I can't hunt on Sunday but at least I can buy beer at 9AM. I'd trade the beer for a chance to hunt. Never been that hard up for a beer at 9AM. The people up here claim it has nothing to do with religion- that they want a day where non-hunters can walk in the woods without worrying about getting shot. Total BS. I have hunted a lot of years in Maine and never shot a non-hunter or another hunter for that matter. I have seen non-hunters walk right by me without ever knowing I was there. Especially bow hunting where I am full camo. I don't know if it will ever change up here- they expanded Sunday hunting for birds and rabbits on federal land but I haven't heard anything on it changing for good.
01-11-2007, 09:12 PM
let me start out by sayin...that i had to ask somebody from up yonder what bunk meant. now that i understand...let me gently tell you a lil somethin Skyline....
First off...i might be difficult to understand, impatient, onry, dry and even butt-ugly. But there is 2 things that are not me...i dont bull**it and i dont lie. I will leave that right there fore the feathers start flyin.
With that said...Andy yer right...we are alot alike and I think there's some misunderstandin goin on again. Which is usual on my part. Fact is, iffin ya dont like a gay bar....nine times outta 10 ya wont go in one but you normally wont try to have it shut down either. I think that says it all....and yessir...i can git ya bear huntin with dogs er without. ;)
VA is different tho. We run deer with dogs. They gotta have a day of rest for both hunter and hunted. So wouldnt the sensible choice be sunday? When runnin dogs, it takes a good while, sometimes all day to get the dogs back. A Sunday afternoon hunt w/ dogs would be miserable. Ya make a run, ya gotta git up dogs, and ya gotta go to work the followin day. Trust sucks. They spend their Sundays lookin for dogs....i couldnt imagine huntin on sunday too.
Losin alot of days would really suck. If this were to go thru, we will lose alot of days. Western VA is already just a 2 week season, and the general consensus is to make it that way all over. Call me spoilt, beotch er whatever....but that would suck. We feed dogs all year...just to run em 2 weeks?? If ya gotta work, like most do...that one sunday aint from nuthin.
What Mr Canada does not understand is that there ARE every state. It's hard to say why you caint hunt on sunday in pa versus why you caint hunt on sunday in va.
Or, what reasoning there is behind it. These issues are special and unique to the seven U S of A states that Sunday huntin still applies. The issue goes alot deeper than religion...there are other reasons for a day of rest.
I'll say it again....tourism here? lmao
nobody here cares about tourism. That right there is the point of bein we can stay that way. As fer as I'm concerend...we could stay in the 1700's...we'd probaly be better off if we did. The way the land is bein stripped before our very the dam tourists.
:p :D
Edit: Skyline...just checked yer profile there buddy. You are a rancher, outfitter, guide. So, now i know why a Canuck would git so riled over Sunday huntin.....cause heaven fer bid it would cost you a dime. It had nothin to do with religous freedom...just financial freedom. Low blow man.....that's bunk.
01-11-2007, 11:23 PM are very good at slinging mud I will give you that. You also do not speak for eveyone in VA, although apparently you think you do.
If you think that my opinion on Sunday hunting has something to do with guiding then you are sorely mistaken. Sunday is used as a turn over day between hunts when I am guiding, ie. we wouldn't hunt anyways. And if you were so damn smart you would know that where I guide up north in the public land Sunday hunting is allowed.
I was talking from a personal stand point and as a hunter wanting to be able to go hunting on Sunday where I live in the southern part of the province and on my own land.
Personally I think you are being rediculous about this.......this is not a personal affront to you and VA. The rest of us were talking about Sunday hunting in general and in all jurisdictions that are affected by this.
You decided to have a bird about it. Oh well, too bad, go take a Valium and chill out. Your reaction to this is juvenile.
01-12-2007, 01:03 AM
I think ol Lilred mighta got to ya. I do understand the issue better than most might. The Sunday hunting ban WAS a religious thing originally. When it was being debated in Maryland , boy, was that brought up...time and again. But they did open deer hunting up there for a few Sundays in all the seasons. Lost no hunting days either. BUT the reason for opening it was because there are too many deer. I also heard about having a day of rest for the critters too but in reality that is a load of bull hockey. Lilred is right though. In the eastern states such as Md and Virginia it would put a severe strain on the flocks of Turkeys quail Pheasants rabbits and other small game. Maybe even deer in Va. If the deer population ever crashes or even drops to reasonable levels in Md they will close the Sunday hunting down in a heartbeat. Maine is a unique area of the country and I think if ya look at the issue there the reason for no Sunday hunting is probably religious. No matter which religion, the more strict religions are usually against things such as this. They just don't want people enjoying themselves in other pursuits on Sundays..other than religion that is! There is another problem that y'all don't understand out west and in rural Canada. Even the rural east coast is heavily populated...and there are a LOT of bible toters there. Trying to hunt in those areas is an expensive proposition and it is VERY hard to find places to hunt. And I know about these things. I guided waterfowl and deer hunters for about 35 yrs. And y'all really want to know.. I enjoyed not having to go out on a Sunday. Hunting really is work too. Not just when guiding either. My family lived on wild game for a LOT of years. It was necessary for us..therefore it WAS work!!:rolleyes:
01-12-2007, 01:14 AM
Fair enough......................but many of the posters were looking at Sunday hunting in general, not just VA, ME or anywhere else for that matter. There are always local still does not justify going on a rampage about my background, my apparent thirst for the almighty buck, etc.
Personally I could care less what happens in VA. I do not hunt there and never will. I do know that there is no way that all VA hunters buy into that though or it would not be an issue. In fact I talked to a couple of guys tonight about this issue, they are from Va and I guided them up north. They are rather perturbed about the Sunday hunting issue.
Perhaps Lilred should learn to control himself and not sling crap around just because someone does not agree with him.
I feel sorry for you and the massive population base you have to deal with. Still, it is no excuse for someone being rude.
01-12-2007, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by Skyline
Perhaps Lilred should learn to control himself and not sling crap around just because someone does not agree with him.
Lilred is a gal by the way. :)
Well, I suppose the argument that the game need a day off could make some sense. But, why not have no hunting on Wednesday?
Most folks work Monday thru Friday, and have only Saturday and Sunday to hunt- and as one poster mentioned, he had only Sunday.
If the argument is that the game need a day to not be hunted, why not make it Wednesday that there is no hunting? Or some other weekday. That would let the average working stiff go hunting on his day off.
01-12-2007, 01:59 AM
LILRED and Skyline
Will you two patch this thing up, please? I feel like a dad with two bickering children.
Sky, you might wonder why I addressed LILRED first because I've known you longer from the Nest. Well LILRED is a herself not a himself. Ladies/ females have always been placed first in my family.
You two both have a lot of valid points. So if the law says you can hunt on Sunday do so, if you feel the need. If you don't like to hunt on Sunday don't.
I had a remedy for this situation when all the kids lived at home. I simply confined the an and the protagonist to the bathroom until the argument was settled. That way the rest of us didn't have to hear it.
Besides that if I join the foray I'd be afraid of losing one of you as a friend and I wouldn't like that. Side with one of the two will get you in trouble with the other.
So please kiss and make up. ;)
Best wishes, Bill
01-12-2007, 01:59 AM
Swift and Bill.........:D Oops!!!
Dang, I have been talking nasty to a lady. :(
01-12-2007, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by Skyline
Swift and Bill.........:D Oops!!!
Dang, I have been talking nasty to a lady. :(
Yep. But I would not hesitate to select either her or Val, another forum lady as a foxhole buddy during a war as both have bigger cojonies than some guys I have met in my lifetime.
They remind me of the IDF girls. Beautiful, salacious and dangerous. I wouldn't want to anger either. They know how to take care of themselves. You won't find them hiding behind being a woman. Just don't call LILRED an older woman though. That gets her dander up in a hurry. :eek: She had a post about that awhile back and I still laugh just thinking about it. She describes every thing so simply and graphically, you can picture it in your mind sooo easily.
Have a good one bud.
Best wishes, Bill
Andy L
01-12-2007, 08:53 AM
Whew, LOL. :D Turn my back a little bit and all hell breaks loose.
I think things got blown a bit out of proportion with two discussions getting combined. Everyone simmer down a bit. :cool: I think Red was initally talkin about her particular situation and views. I may have been the one that turned it upside down, probably was. Wouldnt be the first time I didnt quite hijack a thread, but derailed it enough to cause the wreck later on. LOL
Skyline, yep, youve been arguin with a gal. But, I wouldnt let it bother me much. Lil Red is more than capable of takin care of herself. I think she enjoys a good keyboard scrap as much as the rest of us do. ;)
01-12-2007, 10:46 AM
Skyline...don't concern yerself with throwin punches at a girl. I wouldnt throw em myself iffin i didnt expect one back.
i'm at work and i aint got much time to reply....
but i'll shutup and behave..i wont kiss you skyline...but i'll shake yer hand how that?
Besides..we are alike you and me...we both got a temper and it's fun to push buttons on rare occasion. Hey..there aint been a brawl this good in a couple years now LOL.'s an art to understandin first readins of my posts will throw ya off unless ya know me. I'm a pain in the arsh...I admitted that on my last post.
As billy said...i aint no juvenile...i'm an older lady (thanks alot billy fer remindin me btw, i was just gittin over it).
But...i can speak more for my state than you..and you are uneducated about my particular issue. bet them boys you guided wont born & raised here either. If you would spend more time tryin to understand the crap would git slung alot less. Thats all i ask.
Aim to maim
01-12-2007, 12:51 PM
Since I don't live in Virginia, I have no dog in this fight.
Having said that, I can't help but wonder how many of those who favor the Sunday hunting ban AND insist it is NOT a religious issue, would support banning hunting on Wednesday instead of Sunday.
01-12-2007, 01:30 PM
I hear ya...............but I am out of this topic.
01-13-2007, 10:32 PM
Good points. If you don't like it, don't do it..but let someone that wants to be able to do so. Here in my local, we got them to open 3 of our county parks to bow hunting only. First 2 years were deer only but they added turkey this year. Sometimes things just take time. Our Game Comm told me the parks were open to turkey only. They don't even know all the rules. They also brought in nets and trapped over 30 turkey from one park with the most birds. Did this just 2 wks ago. Seen them with my own eyes but they still say they do not do this. Did good with the deer too...and seen tons of people walking the trails without a clue hunters were there. On occasion I crossed paths with them and they didn't like the fact a hunter might shoot them. They felt relaxed after a little chat and I even liked them in the woods. Helped to push the critters to me. I can share my park with them. I guess then it wouldn't make any difference as to what day of the week it was. I enjoy the crows, yotes and clay birds on sunday for now.
01-14-2007, 07:23 AM
Maine isn't about the religion- atleast that is what they say! I agree with skeeter- at least give the option to go on Sunday! I don't care what other people do or don't do, I just want to hunt.
01-14-2007, 04:18 PM
Maybe this should be called the TOBASCO THREAD :D
Here in Nevada you can hunt seven days a week. You can buy booze 24 hours a day, hic:p
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