View Full Version : Hi Point Semi Auto .45 ACP????
Big joe
01-19-2007, 09:17 PM
Hi All!!!
My quest ion is... is a Hi Point Semi Auto .45 ACP worth having ???? I Know nothing about semi auto handguns but i've allways wanted one. I have a chance to purchase a Hi Point Semi Auto .45 ACP for $ 165.00. Seems like a good price but is the gun worth having???
Thanks for your info...
01-20-2007, 12:35 PM
I just came off another forum, Predator Masters and someone had the same question as you about the Hi Point.
there were 5 responders. 3 own Hi Points and really like them. 1 said he has a friend who has one and it has been trouble free and the other guy said they were junk.
Take your pick I guess.
Best wishes, Bill
01-20-2007, 01:11 PM
Having had one or 2.. If you aren't going to shoot it too much and just for plinking by all means buy it cause the price is right. However, don't depend on it in life threatening situations. If that is the intended use get a Colt or Springfield or even a Military 45. Y'a know most handguns don't get shot an awful lot. Seriously..except by maybe the guys and gals on here.
01-20-2007, 05:34 PM
I think Skeet hit the nail on the head. I was with 2 guys today that both owned them, or did. One guy loved his and the other could not say enough bad thing about the one he owned. I rember when they were $ 65 new, but that`s been afew years back. Personaly I`m a wheel gun fan, but I did buy 1 S&W 40 cal. semi auto. It was almost new and I got it for $ 175. I gave it to my daughter for a ccw gun.
01-21-2007, 10:49 AM
I have shot several. Quality control is not something to expect with one, lol. Some shot good, most did`nt. They feel unbalanced to me, still, they are not bad plinkers for the money. But like skeet said, don`t bet your life on one.
01-21-2007, 04:47 PM
Heck I bought a 9mm PT92. Not badly made. Actually seemed to be pretty well made. The sucker shoots patterns...not groups!! But the darn thing goes bang every time without fail. If necessary I would use it for self long as the range was short...mainly cause its better than pitching rocks
01-21-2007, 05:17 PM
From what I understand they have a lifetime warranty so if it ever breaks simply sweep up the parts with a dustpan and send it back.
Also I imagine if you hand massaged some ammo you might even get it to shoot groups but I think it is mostly a spray and pray gun.
Best wishes, Bill
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