View Full Version : Winchester Model 52C?

M21 Sniper
01-20-2007, 08:22 PM

I live in Eastern Pennsylvania and I was wondering if anyone from around my neck of the woods knows of a gunshop with a selection of Model 52 to look at.

It seems they are scarce as Hens teeth. Cabela's had one in the much vaunted (albeit sometime highly overpriced) Gun Library and I kick myself now for not scooping it up. However, maritial bliss and tranquility had something to do with my choice at the time!

In any case, does anyone know of some outfit that specializes in the Model 52? A 52C with a magazine and NRA excellent rating has got to be out there somewhere!

Any info, websites, or shop phone numbers would be most appreciated.

Keep them in the 10 Ring.



01-20-2007, 08:26 PM
I have a C and a D as well as a 52 sporter. I saw a couple this last December sell for ridiculous prices

01-22-2007, 05:05 PM
I`ve seen several at gun shows in this area. I don`t really know what they are asking for them as I was not interested in buying one and did not price, but I`ll bet I`ve seen at least a dozen.