View Full Version : My First 25 Straight In Five Stand Sporting Clays

01-23-2007, 06:26 PM
Well Guys and Gals , I finally did it , I ran 25 straight on Level two on our clubs Five Stand course! This entails all report pairs and I have been trying to achieve this since last spring. It finally happened last Wednesday in 24 degree weather with snow on the ground and it was bitter cold winds. I was wearing only a heavy sweatshirt because it is impossible for me to shoot well with bulky clothing on. I was literally shaking in my boots when i got to the last stand and had one more report pair to shoot some how I overcame the cold and went clean smoking the last pair! Oh what a feeling finally after several 24's getting a 25 was a real achievement for me. Now onto level three true pairs!:D Regards Roy;)

01-23-2007, 06:55 PM
Great job. Now, you might run 25 straight on level 3 without a problem. So, what is level 4? Ever thought about doing some type of flurry where all 5 targets come out in x second intervals and the shooter is allowed to take as many shots at them as he/she likes, but he/she can only start with 2 in the gun. That brings reloading into the scenario.

Edit: Ever stop to think that you might have hit all 25 because you were shaking like crazy from the cold which put you on the one or two that you would have normally missed. LOL

01-23-2007, 09:05 PM
Yep Fabs I did think that maybe I was just shaking in the right direction LOL! Level 4 is what we call pullers choice or silent stalk. You get to say pull but dont know what two birds will be thrown. And of course it can be done with report or true pairs. I have done this a couple times and was suprised how well I did on just reactions not knowing where the targets were coming from! :)

01-24-2007, 10:26 AM
Sometimes you do better not thinking about making the shot, but just by reacting. It is like that a lot in the field. Of course, I mentally think about making shots all day long. As I am driving, I am contemplating leads on birds that I see flying by when I am stopped at traffic lights. My wife has noticed it a couple of times and called me out on it.

01-25-2007, 01:01 AM
Good going 6.5!! On to Level III for you. I can't shoot with jackets or bulky clothing either so I also tough it out.

Hey Fabs, I thought I was the only one who pointed my finger at flying birds, with proper lead of course, as I'm driving along, and then say 'Bang' -- my wife calls me out too!!

Waidmannsheil, Dom.

01-25-2007, 10:24 AM
Dom, LOL.

02-09-2007, 01:08 PM
Congrats on the 25 and good for you, sticking with the frustration untill you got it right.

How could any real bird shooter resist a pigeon flying by, huh, huh, now really.... :D