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View Full Version : Int'l Sportsman Exposition - Denver

Mil Dot
01-26-2007, 08:19 PM
I went down today and had a good time looking and talking with all the folks. Now to sift through the handouts.

Goes through Sunday and I'd give it a thumbs up.

Dan Morris
01-27-2007, 06:59 AM
I'll be down about 11 this morning. Enjoyed your visit yesturday! Sorry I didn't have more time to spend with you.
Oh yeah, just let dogs out and sure enough, more snow........7 weekends in a row!

Dan Morris
01-27-2007, 07:13 PM
Spent about 3 hours at ISE, I agree with Mil.....great show. One thing I noticed a lack of was gun clubs offering memberships.....could be like my range...FULL...with long waiting lists!

Mil Dot
01-28-2007, 07:39 AM
There was a couple there, they go under the heading of sporting clubs, etc.

ie Pawnee Sporting Club

Been to that one and I'll leave it at that.

Dan Morris
01-28-2007, 09:28 AM
Guess I got em mixed up with Shooting Preserves......$100 daily
gun fee and $20 a bird...3 minimum. Also made connection with Martini 25-08. He and son are wanting to get back into shooting/hunting. Again, another HC dude and a real nice guy.
Folks on here you connect with are amaizing!