View Full Version : Lilred's Rant of the Week...dignity of our armed forces

01-28-2007, 09:55 AM
There’s been several issues goin on in the news here lately…one here in Virginia and the other bein a national issue.
They are almost the same…war and people in em.
In Virginia, there’s the ever popular “Virginia’s gotta apologize fer slavery” argument which this month went all hellfire. Ya see, MLK day is also Lee/Jackson day here in the state. If all that aint enough, everybody is in this huge bicker over the state spending a bunch of money on cleanin the Robert E Lee statue because it’s the 200th anniversary of his birth.
Great day…so everybody wants the statue removed, he name erased from holidays, the Robert E Lee plate erased from vehicles and all that happy crap.
Meanwhile, across the nation people are screamin to end the war and all that happy crap.

Which ironically both arguments lead to a big ole pile of scheit. Both are very similar you see.
Robert E Lee is a Virginia hero and while the argument is he fought fer slavery, to HIM he was defendin his state from the “invaders.” That he accomplished and was dam good at it. Does that matter these days?? No. Ceasar & Rome.. Dlad Dracula the Impaler… all through history while the motives fer war were not fully understood but to this today they are labeled heros for their great feats. Why label a man a hero who impaled his victims on the battlefield? To they people in that country, he was defendin his homeland. He WAS a hero to them no matter now ugly he fought his battles. My point is that heros are not made out of their beliefs but out of their great deeds and victories fightin for that belief. At least that is how society seems to label heros.

Now, let’s jump forward a few thousand years to today.
Our family, neighbors and friends are far away fightin a war for which we don’t quite understand. They are fightin for their country are they not? The same for the men of Vietnam. They are our heros and defenders from harm. Then why are these men looked down upon? Why were they spit on? Why protest them? Our military today and Robert E Lee are a lot alike you see….they are both being robbed of their dignity simply because a bunch of unpatriotic “Americans” cannot fathom fightin for your country.

Well listen here America….. ( I’m even takin the time to type right on thisun because its that important to me)
The American military should always be our heroes. They have done what very few of us would ever do…they gave themselves to their country and they are willing to die for it. How could you not support and respect that? How can you even think you have all the answers when you do not have a full understanding of the situation at hand? It is not for us to judge when we cannot hear both sides of the cause. People are so self-righteous these days that even if put in such a position one could not possibly even come to a just conclusion.
Jane Fonda. I saw her on the news this morning protesting the war in Iraq. Now we all know about the letters in Vietnam and the cloud of mystery surrounding that story. Yet there you were. Protesting the war and helping to fuel the fire of disrespect that our troops received from American citizens. Here you are again protesting something that you don’t understand. Understand this….the ignorance you spread does make the difference between life and death. You are the furthest thing from patriotism that I have ever seen and God help you for it.
Whether it be in 1665, 1865, 1965 or 2005…..our armed forces deserve the utmost respect of its citizens and their dignity not only intact but revered.

Dan Morris
01-28-2007, 10:20 AM

01-28-2007, 01:37 PM
You are right Dan- Ive always said if you aint living on the edge you are just taking up space. And LilRed, You couldnt have said it better. It really pished me off when I was pulled off to the side of the road to allow a motorcade to pass as Hanoi Jane -Sean Penn-and their groupies were being escorted to their rally by law enforcement personnel.

L. Cooper
01-28-2007, 10:22 PM
Sorry, but I think there is more to it than just defending your country. If that's all it takes to make Dlad Dracula the Impaler a hero, then Bin Laden and those guys in the planes can make the same argurment.

There is no connection between arguing against a war and having respect and support for a soldier fighting in it. I am Canadian. I disagree with Canada's role in Afghanistan. I have utmost respect for the soldiers (of both sides since Afghani soldiers are obviously defending their country). I have relatives in the Canadian forces. I know what soldiers must do, and that they must do it if they are ordered to whether they agree with the war or not. That loyalty to their duty must be respected and admired.

I am not in the least unpatriotic or disrespectful of anyone by my disagreement with our government's decision to send troops.

I just disagree with my govenment. That too is a democratic right that must also be respected in both Canada and the U.S.

01-29-2007, 01:58 AM
Well I'm gonna just say a few things. Being a southerner by birth and the grace of God... The south was fighting ..not for slavery, as it was a dying thing...but for the right to do as they felt was right for their state. Constitutionally the States actually held the real power in the USA..until the North decided that was no longer true. Why should any Southerner have to apologize. Personally I feel slavery was wrong. It WAS the law of the land, though. And it WAS a completely different world than what we now live in. If the Civil War was about Slavery...why did Lincoln free the slaves in 1863 instead of immediately on the outbreak of the war?

Now LC as far as thinking your government is wrong in their actions...that IS your right! Even if you are wrong it is your right. Maybe I am wrong here...but since the terrorist islamic groups KNOW we WILL come after them....they have been pretty quiet in the Western Hemisphere. Not saying it won't happen again but I'd rather fight them over there than here in my own backyard. And as Rocky said..only a politician can lose a war!! That's what happened in Vietnam and it looks as though that is what is going to happen here. Sorry LC but y'all have a lot of mealy mouthed politicians and citizens up there too. Just like we do.

01-29-2007, 12:41 PM
I see what Cooper is sayin...but therin lies the problem. While some people have the UTMOST respect for our soliders...they hate the fact that we are at war. The problem with that is that they do cross lines. Fer example, Veitnam was the same way. They hated the fact that we were at war...yet they spit on our soldiers when they returned.

Most people cannot keep that war vs. soldier line from crossin hence the Jane Fonda incident. Apparently the American populous caint keep the 2 seperated.
There IS a whole lot more to a soldier than just defendin his country..and yes...you have to give even Bin Laden at best a nod for stickin to his cause...right nor wrong...he along with all the others are willin to die fer what they believe. You cannot look down upon them for that. It's WHAT they believe that is is to be looked down upon and the fact thay they threw the first punch.

Skeet....I aint apologizin fer a dam thing...lol ;)

Aim to maim
01-29-2007, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by Lilred
....you have to give even Bin Laden at best a nod for stickin to his cause...right nor wrong...he along with all the others are willin to die fer what they believe. You cannot look down upon them for that....

I don't have to give him or his kind a nod for anything, but you're welcome to, along with Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Ho Chi Minh, Hirohito, Hitler, Mao and Stalin. I can and do look down on them for that.

However, we should provide them all every opportunity possible to do just that; die.

01-29-2007, 10:31 PM
If there was anyone onhere apologizing for what you have posted...I know it ain't you. Everybody thinks southerners have something to be ashamed off. We don't! I, and I am sure you, haven't ever owned any slaves...and Never trashed our service men and women. I'll vote for ya for Prez!!

Oh and by the way..Bin Ladin isn't willing to die for his cause.. He enlists children and young men to do that for him!!

01-31-2007, 01:32 PM
My point is that heros are not made out of their beliefs but out of their great deeds and victories fightin for that belief. At least that is how society seems to label heros.

i did not say that i thought those things make bin laden a hero...look at my quote. I aint said nary a word about my opinion on what i thought made a hero a hero, just what it seems that society labels them.
Sorry iffin ya'll took it that way...so i reckon i'll put it this way:

To me, if you are enlisted in the armed forces in the US, and you have served your country in conflict, you are my hero. Robert E Lee is my hero. He was my great great grandfather's hero...he was with Lee at Appomatox and he followed Lee all 4 years. They followed Lee for better and mostly for worse. Any man who can rally such a force on bare feet and empty stomachs for 4 years derserves to be a hero. I aint apologizin fer nothin my great great granpa did....I aint apologizin fer slavery, I aint apologizin cause half my family on both sides fought fer Lee and the Confederacy and I aint apologizin fer pissin everybody off when i say it LOL

:D ;)

Aim to maim
01-31-2007, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Lilred
Sorry iffin ya'll took it that way...so i reckon i'll put it this way:

To me, if you are enlisted in the armed forces in the US, and you have served your country in conflict, you are my hero.
:D ;)

I am quite fond of Marse Robert myself, which is exactly why I don't like seeing him compared favorably with Osama Bin Ladan and his minions. That may not have been your intention, but it certainly came across that way to me.

Benedict Arnold enlisted in the armed forces of the U.S. and he served his country (quite well for a while). I doubt he is your hero. Again, I am a great admirer of Robert E. Lee, but I find your arguments to be a bit disingenuous.

And before you start; no, I'm not comparing Robert E. Lee to Benedict Arnold. ;)

01-31-2007, 09:09 PM
Disengenuous?? You is done ast for it now!! lil is gonna whup you butt fer that one!!:D :eek: I think...maybe..er sumpin!:D :D You is just about trashed lilred..if not ol REL! BTW he is also my idea of a TRUE leader of men!