View Full Version : thinking of 7mm-08 w/26" barrel

02-03-2007, 03:30 PM
is this stupid, or should i just get a 24 " barrel

Rocky Raab
02-03-2007, 06:43 PM
If you've already found a rifle with a 26" barrel, go for it. It certainly won't hurt.

But it won't help much, either. Even a 22" barrel won't cost you much in the way of potential velocity.

Fine caliber, that 7-08. Right fine, indeed.

02-03-2007, 09:33 PM
Yes, what rocky said, not much difference with the 7-08, pretty efficient round. A rule of thumb is about 25 fps per inch, probably less in the 7-08.

L. Cooper
02-04-2007, 10:42 AM
My view of the 7mm-08 is that its only real use is to make a short, quick rifle with the potential of the short action cartridge. If you are putting it into a longer rifle, then there are advantages to the .280 or even the 7mm magnums that the 26 inch barrel would make very clear.

The 7mm-08 is a very nice little cartridge, but it cannot do what a .280 can do. I see it as an ideal deer round in something like a Model 7. A 26 inch barrel is not stupid, but the advantages of long barrels would be largely lost with the short round, while you would gain all the disadvantages of such a long rifle.

02-04-2007, 11:59 AM
thank you everyone.

Mike Moss
02-08-2007, 12:01 AM
What is the rifle for? If its for some form of target shooting then a long barrel may be good. If it's for varminting there are better rounds for that.

For general big game a 22" barrel on a 7-08 would be about right.

02-08-2007, 06:51 PM
The 7-08 is an outstanding deer cartridge, if that is what you have in mind.

Maybe this thought experiment will help clarify if 26" is a good choice of barrel length: If a little more muzzle velocity is needed, which is better to do, carry a 26" 7-08 through the woods, or carry a 22" 270 through the woods? Both alternatives will give you very close to the same results.

02-16-2007, 11:17 PM
Mine is a Kimber Montana with a 22" barrel, weighs just 6.5 lbs scoped and loaded with five, making is a near pefect still hunting gun. I'm getting close to 2900 fps with 140 gr Barnes TSX. Not likely you'll get much more with the extra 4".