02-06-2007, 03:27 AM
Greetings all -
From another site, I chanced upon this article in the link below which you'll find extremely well written. The author laments on the decline of hunting. Thre are so many distractions available for our young today. X-Box, Play Station and those type video games are wasting the vitality of youth, sure. Organized sports too, either in schools or in organizations like Little League Baseball or Pop Warner Football, are claiming the weekend attention of children and their parents. Summer basketball and soccer camps are even replacing kids' time on the lake fishing with their family.
It is past time to re-examine the legal hunting age in New York State. I have heard of a study done at Cornell University which states unless we get our kids interested in the outdoors by age 11, we have lost them. Think about it. P.E.T.A is a beast in sheep's clothing.
Unless we are part of the solution, we are part of the problem.
Be well or as well as you can be,
From another site, I chanced upon this article in the link below which you'll find extremely well written. The author laments on the decline of hunting. Thre are so many distractions available for our young today. X-Box, Play Station and those type video games are wasting the vitality of youth, sure. Organized sports too, either in schools or in organizations like Little League Baseball or Pop Warner Football, are claiming the weekend attention of children and their parents. Summer basketball and soccer camps are even replacing kids' time on the lake fishing with their family.
It is past time to re-examine the legal hunting age in New York State. I have heard of a study done at Cornell University which states unless we get our kids interested in the outdoors by age 11, we have lost them. Think about it. P.E.T.A is a beast in sheep's clothing.
Unless we are part of the solution, we are part of the problem.
Be well or as well as you can be,