View Full Version : Checklists

02-11-2007, 01:20 PM
Camping season is fast approaching and I was wondering who else uses checklists to pack for a camping or hunting trip. I used to go for a trip and always forgot something. Usually, it wasn't all that important but sometimes I'd forget something that could have ruined the trip (matches, rope, etc). A friend of mine uses a couple of different checklists, depending on what kind of trip he is taking (camping, hunting, fishing) and never forgets anything. I took his list and tailored it for me and haven't had a problem since. Maybe post a copy of your checklist to help those who want to put one of their own together. I'll have to get mine of my other computer so I can post it. It is, by no means, all-inclusive but it's a good start.

02-11-2007, 05:40 PM
Heck, Tater... If I made a checklist I'd probably forget where I put it. And If I did remember, I wouldn't have everything on it anyway!!:confused: :D :D

Dan Morris
02-11-2007, 06:43 PM
flashlight/spare batteries/first aid kit (pararescue one)cots/sleeping bag/couple of tarps/matches/water cans and disposable lighters/space blankets/couple of spare knives/backup stove/panchos/portable john,paper and bags.

cooking gear and most of the stuff above is pre packed in plastic totes. Clothes are a couiple of changes and boots are pre packed.....depends on where I'm going.

all this stuff goes in a couple of plastic totes and a bag.Food is planned per trip.


02-11-2007, 07:53 PM
Don't have a checklist, but I keep 95% of my camping gear in 2 large rubbermaid totes, they are about 4' long. and 2'w & 18"h. They work perfect, so the only thing I hae to remember is the food!