View Full Version : Hey Skeet, did you hear about Interstate 78 last week

Skinny Shooter
02-19-2007, 11:05 AM
A 50 mile or so stretch shutdown due to the icing conditions, with drivers trapped on the limited access highway.
Even PennDOT plows were caught in the snarl and couldn't get out. The little road thru my town was jam-packed with eastbound traffic being diverted from the Interstate 24 hours a day. Heard the backup went from Hershey to Valley Forge. We only had to respond to one MVA which was a jeep vs tractor trailer. Minor damage.
The Turnpike stopped charging fees for awhile to try and ease the traffic burden but then the Turnpike had some problems too. :D

Rocky Raab
02-19-2007, 11:39 AM
The Interstates out here get closed so often for blizzard conditions, that they have permanent railroad-style gate arms every hundred miles or so. They can close them by remote control. There are U-turn areas at the gates, and usually a town with motels and such a few miles back.

I've been shunted off I-80 several times due to closures. Spent 48 hours once only 150 miles from home - no way to get around the gate on back roads without risking death. Get caught on the closed interstate and you face some SERIOUS fines - even jail due to the life-threatening risk you put on rescue crews.

02-19-2007, 07:50 PM
Skinny, there was a very good reason as to why all these different roads were shut down in Pa. during the storm. Frigging tractor trailers.:mad: Every single closure had a truck blocking the way. That's why the I78 mess was so bad. A truck jackknifed early on in the storm and the penndot trucks couldn't get up the road. Happened a few weeks ago here on I83. The road was closed for 15 hours. When the weather gets bad, I wish those guys would use their heads for more than a hatrack and get off the road.

I know the old saying "if you got it, you got it by truck". Well, I can't go anywhere to get "it" if the highway is closed for a couple days.:D

02-19-2007, 10:28 PM
First off... What Classic said

I know the old saying "if you got it, you got it by truck". Well, I can't go anywhere to get "it" if the highway is closed

Seems as though when there is a problem it always involves Big rigs. . I really don't know how anybody gets anywhere on that road when the weather is bad.

Nice talkin with you today Skinny. I gotta stop that darn GOB from gettin my items. You know what I mean.

:D :D

02-19-2007, 11:51 PM
I sat ( and drove to work ) just south of that mess. :D

02-20-2007, 12:14 PM
Not to P##s on anybodys shoes here,but I have to say something about the Truck Drivers. I have driven Tractor/Trailers for over 25 years in every state and every type of weather Imagineable,and just like every other profession out there,you have your bad apples,so please don't lump all of us into one group. Most of your professional drivers know their limitations and will park the truck when it becomes unsafe to operate it. But bear in mind also that the "4 wheelers" also drive like idiots zipping in and out of traffic and doing like 70 in the ice and snow,all the while thinking that those big trucks can stop on a dime. Well I am here to tell you that "we" can drive those big trucks in that nasty weather and do it safely and in a timely matter,and I guarantee that almost 95% of the accidents involving big trucks are cause by "4 wheelers" thinking that we can whip those things around as easily as a car. Also we can't always just shut down that truck,some of those loads are time sensitive and you have appointments that are set days in advance,and should you miss your appointment,your company or if you are an owner operator,will lose alot of money or quite possibly the load will belong to them. Sorry if I sounded upset because I am not,been doing it to long to let it really get to me anymore,I just don't like being covered by a blanket statement. Any who I hope everyone has a blessed day.

02-20-2007, 03:15 PM
I concur with Niteowl. Last Thanksgiving I was traveling from Minneapolis back to my home in Minot, N.D. Traffic was one lane only and ran bumper to bumper from Barnesville MN. to J amestown ND. 99.9 % of the drivers were doing between 25>30 mph and moving right along. Although it was still slicker than snot on a door knob.

But there always has to be the exception to the rule. Here comes this butthead down the passing lane at 80 mph. He was clocked by a County Mounty at 80+ mph. He radioed ahead to other law enforcement units on the westbound side of the highway. Seems like in any storm theres always one of these drivers that just have to pass everything on the road. Now these morons look at the cars they pass like they have some form of fungus and sip on their Starbucks coffee and ziggy on down the road. Yes it is possible to drive that fast under bad conditions. But these boneheads never consider one important fact, what happens when they have to apply the brakes? If you think air is an advantage to NASCAR drivers try driving down a slick highway and have the wind change direction, or have it speed up or down. Kiss your butt goodbye.

Well he finally met his waterloo a few miles up the road when he took out 4 Semis and 3 cars. He was upside down in the Median with his wife and kids.

I'd rather share my road space with 100 truckers than almost any car driver. I keep in close touch with the truckers when I'm on the road cause I have a CB radio. I'm never far from good information and road conditions. And they tell some pretty good jokes too.

So I'll stick with the truckers on this one.

Oh, the guy that ended up in the median? I gave him the bird as I went by. I'm sure I wasn't the only one to do so.

Best wishes, Bill

02-20-2007, 03:58 PM
Niteowl, I didn't mean to imply that all truckers are lousy drivers and the total list of lousy drivers is by no means the exclusive domain of truckers. People with 4x4's that think they can go anywhere, people on cell phones, people driving vehicles too big for them are all on the list.

However, I was limiting my comments to the storms last week. No denying the pictures on t.v. Stuck trucks everywhere. I am not a trucker, so I don't know all the particulars about having to get a load someplace on time. Doesn't matter. If it's too slick to drive, it's too slick to drive. Ain't nothing worth risking lives on the highway, especially just to make a buck.

Personally, when there is inclement weather, I think ALL vehicles should be off the road except emergency and essential personnel. Let the road crews have a chance to take care of the roads first.

Rocky Raab
02-20-2007, 04:01 PM
I'll agree wholeheartedly with the good and bad apples comments.

There are good and bad truckers as well as good and bad car drivers. When either one is good, they can be very good -- but when they're bad...

Given a choice, I'd rather be sharing an icy interstate with a crowd of truckers than cars. At least most of the truckers are true professionals, even if a few of them are merely paid drivers.

02-20-2007, 05:21 PM
Thats quite alright Classic...I know you didn't,but often times a whole group will get classified and I am guilty of doing that a couple times in my past life also. I sometimes take alot of what I hear on the news and on the CB personally,plus whenever there is an accident involving a big truck,you can rest assured that the trucker will be found at fault,why?...because they are easy targets and most everyone knows that trucking companies have very deep pockets and will pay up to a certain amount to avoid any court proceedings. Thanks to all tho for the show of support to all of us who strive to not only do our jobs efficiently,but to do them safely also. Have a great day.;)

02-21-2007, 10:15 AM
I wasn't putting a shot on truckers. Have a Class A CDL myself. BUt when the weather is bad most truckers still try to keep on with it. In my limited experience with big rigs(mostly tankers) things can get out of hand in a hurry. Wish there was a rule that kept the roads clear of all traffic while the roads got cleaned up..But I guess eveybody would really scream then. Just to let y'all know most truckers are very courteous and safe drivers. Can't say that about most people in cars. Especially where Fabs lives!!!:D :D They have road rage cameras around the Beltway!!

02-21-2007, 11:40 AM
Dang and to think it is 77 here right now today. . . . . it rained a week or so ago. . . . .

