View Full Version : Ruger Super Blackhawk 50th anniversary edition

model 70
02-21-2007, 04:44 PM
So I found a shop that has some of these in stock still for $433 brand new. A bit under $500 out the door. .44 mag, 6.5" barrel. My question is are these decent pistols?

I want an older style single action for hunting and i want an open sighted revolver in .44 mag. will this pistol be able to handle some of the really hot loads from companies like buffalo bore and core bon safely?

02-21-2007, 06:26 PM
I have a New Model SBH in .44mag w/7.5" barrel and I've never had a problem with it. I've never shot CorBon or Buffalo Bore, so I don't know how well they shoot, but I wouldn't have any reservations about using either. Shoots well, handles well, nice balance; like I said, no complaints.

model 70
02-23-2007, 08:49 PM
i think when i get this i'm going to try and have the factory front sight removed and have just the simple, fixed blade like you see on the "cowboy style" single action six guns.

Adam Helmer
02-28-2007, 05:43 PM

I have three Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Magnum revolvers. The first cost me $96.00 back in my college (under the G.I. Bill) days in the late 1960s. Two of my three Ruger .44 Super Blackhawks have the annoying problem of the center pins "walking" forward under recoil with magnum loads and tying up the guns. Both of the annoying guns have been back to Ruger's Service department twice, and the center pins still "walk" forward with Magnum loads to this day.

I hope your Ruger Super Blackhawk suits you better than my two. Shoot your gun a lot with magnum loads to be sure it will not stop with the center pin far forward tying up your gun. Better to be tied up on the range than in the deep woods. Been there, and done that.


03-26-2007, 03:32 PM
Very common problem on old model guns. You should be able to fix the cylinder pin walking problem by replacing the release pin spring with one that is stronger and thus holds the retaining part of the release in place under pressure. Wolf makes springs just for this purpose.