View Full Version : 208 Amax

02-22-2007, 05:29 PM
Just received 200 of these new bullets from Midsouth and am anxious to get the 300 Tommy out of moth balls to try them out. I've heard a variety of comments about them but I suppose after I shoot these 200 that I may also have an opinion. Maybe I didn't play enough with the 210SMK's but I'll be testing these puppies very soon. Going to do some weight and bearing surface segregation tonite. :D

02-27-2007, 07:56 PM
Glad to hear you still have Tommy. Those bullets sure would be nice if they work out.

Why doesn't some one come up with some more nifty bullets for the 338, huh? I've finally settled on 300 SMKs for the RUM. and 195 WCs for the 270.

Let us know what kind of speed you get with them....