View Full Version : Disposal of live ammo

02-23-2007, 12:09 PM
I wanted to run this by you folks. here is the scoop, last year after a hurricane came up the coast the basement got about an inch and a half of water, fast forward past the clean up to about a month ago i was cleaning the basement so it can be finished well it so happens one of the rubbermaid totes that i kept about 75 dove loads in had a crack and took some water, the better part of all three boxes i found with rusty brass. well especially after my flaming empty thread here, i am in no way firing these shells. but i want them gone, how would you go about that, thought about soaking them in water, i cant see just putting 'em out for the garbage man.

02-23-2007, 12:50 PM
Get a sharp knife. Cut through the shell (Just below the wading if possible) and empty the contents. Keep the lead. Burn the powder (LOOSELY AND CAREFULLY) and dump the remains in the garbage.

My 2 cents.


02-23-2007, 02:44 PM
Don't put them in the trash. Actually illegal in most places.:rolleyes: If you have a place take the ammo out and bury it. BTW any of the shells that were in a box and out of the water should be ok. An inch and a half is only 2 rows of shells in a box. Pitch the bottom rows and try shooting the rest. As a test I once loaded a couple of boxes of 12 ga and put them in boxes. Put them outside in rain snow sleet sun for more than 2 years. Some were ugly but every shell fired and broke the clay target I was shooting at. Every shell also ejected from the 1100 I was using them in.:cool: :)

02-23-2007, 05:36 PM
I have shoot some pretty rusty loads before. I keep some for cripples. I think I would keep some of them for cat loads.;)

Gil Martin
02-23-2007, 06:16 PM
I had a similar lot of badly rusted shotgun shells and did as GoodOlBoy suggested. I cut the cases through the wad area and saved the shot. The powder got dumped on the lawn. I dosed the primers with WD40 and put them down a groundhog hole. End of story. All the best...