View Full Version : Prices of used muzzleloaders

Gil Martin
02-24-2007, 06:02 PM
An informal survey of the used gun racks was enlightening. At one shop, T/C Hawken flintlocks had hang tag prices of $195.00. Another shop about an hour's drive away had the same type of used rifles for $349.00. So it depends. All the best...

Adam Helmer
03-05-2007, 04:17 PM

I agree, "It depends" about the prices of used muzzleloaders. I have seen "mint" arms on the used gun rack and I have seen rusted bores on used muzzleloaders thereat because elementary cleaning procedures apparently did not register with former owners.

Used ML arms in VG+ condition will command a good price while junk arms are, well, junk. Were those "$195.00 arms" in mint condition?

I have learned that many ML owners have not mastered proper gun cleaning procedures and their poor arms appear on the used gun racks at the proper low price they warrant.


Gil Martin
03-07-2007, 05:12 PM
The T/C flintlock rifles I examined were excellent condition in and out. The gun shops that I usually visit will not accept rusted or pitted arms (muzzleloaders or otherwise). It does not pay. Poor quality guns are hard to sell and the customers tend to be dissatisfied. I think it is a good policy for everyone.

I have seen muzzleloaders that suffered from inadequate cleaning and would not accept them even if they were free. All the best...

03-09-2007, 07:01 AM
ML`s arelike everything else but more so. By that I mean that it all depends on where you are what they are worth. If you have a real nice flint lock it will bring alot more at Friendship In. than it would at Camp Perry, and vice versa for a nice National Match M1A1. If a shop dosen`t have black powder shooters comming in he`ll sell a BP gun pretty cheap.

Adam Helmer
03-09-2007, 10:22 AM

Rusted and pitted arms are accepted by my local shop for very good reason. While the bores may be rusted, the arm is still a useful "parts gun" and is priced accordingly for both black powder and smokeless arms.

If you look at the prices for gun parts and stocks, it makes good sense to recycle the useful components others want at good prices. This is a good policy for us handy folks in the hinterlands.
