View Full Version : Trap covers

model 70
03-01-2007, 11:17 PM
coil spring traps are something new to me. can someone show me some pics on how to use trap covers and how they work?

03-06-2007, 10:57 PM
Sorry don't have any pix of trap covers but here is a n explaination of how they work.
First of all they are used to keep dirt from filling the area under the trap pan. That would keep the trap from working.
Here is what ya do.
Tear off a piece of wax paper larger than the trap.
Crumple the paper.
This keeps it from rustling.
Set the trap and tear the paper from one corner to the middle.Raise the loose jaw and slip the paper under the jaw with the center of the tear positioned against the dog. Tuck the 2 pieces of the corner under the other jaw. This creates a protected area under the dog allowing the set trap to go off.
Now you can sift dirt over the trap.

Hope this helps

03-07-2007, 11:58 AM
Can you use anything but cage traps in CA ??