View Full Version : remington 700, keep or sell?

03-02-2007, 03:56 PM
i have a terrible dillema. I was in wally world the other day and noticed a remington 700 in the gun display marked "repaired gun"and marked down from $385 to $270. I figured it was probably a .30-06 and walked off. I later got to thinking about it at work. Wally world will order guns, and who is to say that this was not a special order of some kind. I went back today expecting it to be long gone, it was still there though. Model 700 adl, synthetic stock, matte finish, $ 285 out the door. It is a .243, a caliber I am fond of. I already have a Ruger all weather rifle in .243, it is kind of my varmint gun. The stainless barrel and action kind of bother me, because of the glare when trying to be stealthy, excellent rifle though. I could keep both or sell one. The remington is new and unfired in the box, and at the price I paid, I could make a little cash on it. I have more in the ruger than I would probably get for it, trigger job and all. I am itching to shoot the remington, so I will have to make a decision soon. The idea of laying a gun back and not shooting it is foriegn to me. The repair by the way was a replaced front sight, so no harm done. What do you all think?

03-02-2007, 04:18 PM



Gil Martin
03-02-2007, 06:47 PM
Hang on to it. You did well and if you want to sell it or trade it later you have options. All the best...

03-02-2007, 09:03 PM
That SA 700 is prized by many gunsmiths. You could get more than what you paid for the gun for the action alone if you wanted to. The 700 is a fair gun IMO, for that price I wouldnt complain!!

03-02-2007, 10:30 PM
Tell ya what. I'll give ya 300 and we can call it a day...if you were amenable that is. If not...then keep it. I also have a Ruger 243 all weather ..new in box. Probably gonna sell it cause I already have a Ruger #1 in 243. Seriously I'd keep it for that kinda money and what hammerforged said

03-04-2007, 03:01 PM
:D yeah I 'spect I will keep it. Even if I shoot it for awhile, I can still get my money out of it. Now I will have to look up a scope for it. Hey maybe I will go to wally world and find a deal on a Leupold to go on it!