View Full Version : Patch after 50 shots without wiping between them

03-10-2007, 03:27 PM
First cleaning patch after a 50 shot range session this morning without wiping between any shots:
.50cal / .490 / 50grns Goex 3F / Hoppes No9 BP PLUS patch lube /.018 pillow ticking


Adam Helmer
03-10-2007, 03:51 PM

Very nice patch, but what did that 50-yard target look like? What rifle were you shooting?

Is 50 grains Goex 3F your accuracy load with round ball? What is your hunting load? I use 75 grains of Goex 2F and a patched ball in my .50s for hunting.

In my .54s, I use 75 grains of 3F Goex and patched ball for hunting. With my own patch lube, I get about 15 shots before I need to wipe the bores.

Nice photo of your cleaning patch.


03-10-2007, 05:36 PM
.50cal Flintlock, 50grns Goex 3F is my target load...90grns Goex 3F is my deer hunting load