View Full Version : A nice Spring day of 62 degrees today!

Adam Helmer
03-13-2007, 06:32 PM
It was sunny and 62 degrees today with a light SW wind here in PA. It was a perfect day for me and old dawg to go to the backyard bench for shooting bidness.

I took 4 favorite arms to the bench and rang the far gong numeous times offhand. Old dawg merely laid nearby and watched me shoot as she is my "range officer." No gun shy dawgs are here at. A week ago it was near zero degrees here on the farm, so this nice weather is appreciated here.

We cleaned all arms on the front porch in this fine weather. I prefer mild weather.


03-13-2007, 11:27 PM
Sounds like a fine afternoon! I got caught up on some outside work myself as the mercury pushed into the 70s in my neck of the woods.

03-14-2007, 07:28 AM
Was a nice warm day in my neck of the woods, too, and today is supposed to be warm also.
Snow due on Friday!:eek:

Adam Helmer
03-14-2007, 03:15 PM
Jack & Swift,

It was a very nice sunny day here yesterday and I did all my range stuff while the sun was shining. Today, it is gray and rainy so I spent the day reading.

Yes, Jack, we are due for snow by the weekend here. I will get some reloading bench work done then.
