View Full Version : aimpoint

03-19-2007, 04:53 PM
i just bought an aimpoint compc3, for my armalite m15-a4 (ar15) i also went with the arms mount so i can attach it to my iron sights and use them as backup.. any comments on the compc3??

Aim to maim
03-20-2007, 10:31 AM
I just bought an Aimpoint CompM4 (and 3x magnifier) as a gift to a young USMC Recon LCpl friend who was home this week on predeployment leave. We took it out Monday (19 March) to my farm and mounted it on my civilian M4 for him to try out. Nothing fancy, just a little move and shoot, triple tap, etc. If the smile on his face and the results on the silhouette targets are any indication, it is a truly fine piece of equipment. Your compc3 should be just as satisfactory.

He and the Aimpoint rig will be headed your way in less than two weeks. Godspeed to you all and thank you for your service.