View Full Version : winchester ammo

03-23-2007, 10:45 PM
found a sweet deal on winchester 36gr bulk packs at a local store but they are not
copper plated bullets will they foul my gun?for some reason other winchester rimfire ammo seems to be hard to get in canada this year

03-24-2007, 12:49 AM
If it's a good deal than go for it. 22LR rimfire ammo weather copper plated or not do not foul a barrel worth a darn.

Heck, most 22LR shooters clean their barrels between never and every couple thousand rounds if that.

03-24-2007, 08:45 AM
I wouldn't worry about it at all...

Hopefully .22 ammo will be easier to find this year than last. Last year I had to get most of it in Edmonton!

03-24-2007, 09:27 AM
Typically 22RF bullets have a dry wax coating, that acts as a lubricant.
The wax coating is usually present on both copper plated and plain lead 22RF ammo.
The short answer is: no, the plain lead bullets won't hurt your rifle's bore.

07-13-2007, 11:21 PM
In fact lead bullets tend to be more acccurate. (Target loads costing 4-5 times as much are generally lead). They obturate (fill the barrel) better. 22s have "heeled" bullets, back end acts as gas check.

Joe Boleo
07-14-2007, 05:33 AM
Winchester, Remington and Federal lead bullets in .22 l.r. work just fine. I clean my guns after every use so shooting lead bullets is not a problem. Take care...

07-22-2007, 07:21 PM
If your looking at the Gray Box Win`s with 550 rounds in a box you might also be interested to know that acouple years back I ran abouy every kind of .22 rimfire through my cronograph and the only ammo that had a better Standard Deviation than the gray box Win`s cost $ 10 a 100. The cheap win`s were better than all the $ 5 abox stuff. Of course just because they have the best SD doesn`t mean they will be the best shooters in your gun, but I`ll bet they will be far from the worst.. ;) I found them to be good squirrel rounds, but not quite as good as the Rem. Sub-sonic in my guns, which have a SD near 40! Go figure.

07-23-2007, 12:06 AM
I have one of the little tools that you put a 22 round in and file the end off the bullet itself. Supposed to really make them perform. Been shooting rabbits cause they are killing my garden..or were. I found some of the 22 Thunderbolts that shoot pretty well out of 2 of my 22 rifles. One is a 504 Remington. Shoots an inch at 50(ain't bad for me so don't laugh) and they shoot even slightly better out of my Win 52 sporter. The darn things didn't actually dispatch the critters so well...but when I took the noses off of 'em they just made them a different bullet. Rabbits just make a kick in the air and fall out dead. Made by a company called THL(The Hanned Line) called a SGB Tool for 22 LR. Got it in a bunch of stuff I bought from a guy(paid a dollar) and figured I'd give it a try. Actually made the rounds shoot better in my rifles..go figure! Anyway..I have now dispatched about 20 of the wascally wabbits...and the garden is living. Oh and I just have to say...the Thunderbolts I got free in a load of reloading items I got from a local yard sale....which is another story

09-12-2007, 04:18 PM
Pah! winchester makes good shotgun and center fire, but if ya want accuracy, fed. 38gr hollowpoint HV, 3/8 in groups@25yds with a marlin 925!
minihuntur ps where in sask are you?

09-19-2007, 11:50 AM
Did you kiss them or just "hug" them? Danged if you don't come up with some of the darndest stuff.