View Full Version : Best 22 LR

03-25-2007, 11:23 AM
OK Guys, I'm going to open a can of worms here. It's time for me to invest in a new rifle - chambered in 22LR - as the old Remington Nylon is flat worn-out and can't shoot a 4 inch group at 50 yards anymore. And the flyers are driving me crazy! So, here is the question: what would you recommend I purchase if price isn't an issue? I think I am favoring a bolt-action for ease of cleaning and accuracy. I want a goooood shooter! Suggestions?

Gil Martin
03-25-2007, 01:52 PM
It depends on what you prefer, handles well and can afford. I would suggest an excellent used Remington Model 581 bolt action. All the best...

03-25-2007, 03:17 PM
cz's are some tac drivers, the 452 american is a nice one if you dont mind the price tag.

03-25-2007, 09:42 PM
All good points above.

The marlin bolt actions are nice.

If you didnt specify a bolt, i'd say go find you a nice Glenfield hiding in some stores used rack.

03-26-2007, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Contenderizer
OK Guys, I'm going to open a can of worms here.

You sure did.
There are so many out there. Ya got a price range?

03-26-2007, 08:35 AM
yeah it depends. What do you want it for? (hunting plinking survival etc) What do you want to pay? Does your gun like it? Do YOU like it? How loud do you want it to be? How accurate do you want it to be?

Example. My Old Marlin model 60 (before it lost the ability to hold a group) LOVED CCI Stingers. It LOVED CCI Velovitors. It seemed to hate just about everything else.

My Winchester model 67 LOVES Winchester 22 shorts, and Remington 22 shorts. It LIKES (not loves mind you) Remington Thunderbolts. It HATES Stingers (Not only will they not group I am convinced some of them are actually shooting over my left shoulder and out of the county after they leave the barrel.)

My brothers 22 hates stingers, likes velocitors, and loves remington elcheapo golden bullet bulk box ammo.


03-26-2007, 10:29 AM
I think, if it were me, spending your money :D , I'd look at the new Browning T bolt.
The old T bolt was a really fine rifle- if the new one's anything close, it would be a great choice.

03-26-2007, 11:34 AM

BTW I was in a hurry looking at this and posted per ammo.

As an FYI My Winchester model 67 (As you will see in one of my posts from not long ago) was CHEAP compared to what alot of new guns are going for.

Keep in mind that as great as bolt guns are (I wouldn't trade mine for anything) You can get a ruger 10/22 for REAL cheap and swap parts in it 9 ways to Sunday.

Just a thought.


03-26-2007, 02:04 PM
GOB has a good point there.

He did specify a bolt though, but a nice 10/22 would be hard to ignore.

03-29-2007, 04:55 PM
Great info guys, but, as I suspected, everone has a different first choice while I was hoping for a clear winner (silly me). Yes, I too heard good thing about the new Browning T-bolt, though the feed-back is coming from writers who likely received a sample gun to test. Perhaps they are a little bias. I, too, heard that the CZ's are punching small groups - may consider same despite the price. As for my intentions for the gun - drive a few nails and kill some pesky squirells. For the most part, however, I'll be using it to work-off some excess tention on my backyard range with hunting being second.

03-29-2007, 09:27 PM
Check some of the milsurp boards. There are some nice Chinese and Romanian .22 military trainer rifles available, in bolt action, for good prices. Empire Arms has them, and probably offers the best product at the highest price. I paid $80 for mine, refinished the stock, and had a nice looking, nice shooting bolt .22.

03-29-2007, 10:38 PM
Okay, if I am not mistaken he said price wasn't an issue and that he was favoring a bolt action for ease of cleaning. Last I checked, we weren't supposed to clean the barrel of a .22lr, but I do every once in a while.

With that out of the way, I would suggest the Ruger 10/22 as mentioned above. Not only is it fun to shoot, it can be modified a million different ways. I have one in .22lr with some decent mods on it, but the next one I am going to get is going to be a Volquartsen 10/22 in one of the .17's or the .22WMR. If you look at their site, you will see some beautiful 10/22's on there with some really nice barrels. Speaking of barrels, that is one good thing about the 10/22. When you finally shoot out the barrel, you can just put a new one on by mearly taking the stock off, loosening a bolt under the barrel, taking the old barrel off, putting the new barrel on, and reversing the take down process.

I replaced almost everything on my stock 10/22, including the barrel. The first barrel I bought was a Butler Creek graphite/plastic surrounded one. It shot terribly. So, I bought a Green Mountain barrel and it shoots great. At 75 feet, I can put almost everything into a 5 cent piece off of a rest until I start to get careless, and even then it usually isn't more than a 25 cent piece. I haven't really shot it on paper out to 50 yards, but it has done well on the 50 something yard shots that I have taken with it.

That is my 2 cents worth.

03-30-2007, 08:08 AM
If Price is really not an object I suggest


You probably won't find a much better modern bolt 22 around. I only WISH I had the coin for one.


03-30-2007, 08:33 AM
There are a number of really fine 22 rifles out there that are nice. I happen to have one of the Ruger 77-22's but it is a Hornet. I also happen to have one of the 504 Remingtons and it is a very nice rifle. My favorite is an old Winchester 52 Sporter I have had for a lot of years but at 4 grand I really don't shoot it much. Have had some of the Ruger 10-22's and while they are nice(?) rifles they really don't trip my trigger all that much. Used to have a Kimber (of Oregon) 22 bolt gun but somebody just NEEDED it more than me. So on reflection I guess the 504 is as nice a 22 as there is out there....and not the big buck price tag like some of 'em. Gonna sell my last Anschutz at a gun show this weekend...I hope!!

04-02-2007, 09:05 PM
I have a CZ 452 Varmint that I like. I like the heavier barrel. The walnut stock is very nice. The 453 has a single set trigger that I really like on my CZ 550. Thompson/Center makes their Classic that gets good reviews. You might also take a look at a Savage Mark II. A lot of people swear by the Accutrigger. Just some options.

The point is you'll get too many choices soon and be confused. Get to the store and try them on. Choose the one that feels the best to you.

Good Hunting, TJ

04-10-2007, 07:32 PM


SuperAmerica is the one IF NO PRICE IS MENTIONED

04-22-2007, 09:30 AM
No one has mentioned the Savage Rimfire Classic with AccuTrigger. I know its new, but does anyone have any experience with same?

06-13-2007, 09:43 AM
CZ American. Best buy for the $. Great accuracy, fit and finish looks as good as it shoot. Usually can get one around $300.

Rocky Raab
06-13-2007, 01:13 PM
Just to swim against the current, I'd first suggest to clean the bejabbers out of that Rem Nylon 66. They have the reputation of NEVER wearing out, and it's deserved. A good scrubout of the entire rifle may return it to like-new.

But if you're buying a new rifle anyway...

It's hard to beat one of the older Rem 540/580 series.

Of the newer guns, the Rem 504, Savage, CZ, Kimber, Ruger and Marlin bolt guns are excellent - and span quite a price range. If it were me, I'd actually prefer the Savage with Accutrigger. I'd spend the leftover cash on a good scope.

06-13-2007, 02:48 PM
Nothing wrong the Anshutz either. If money were no object thats what I'd buy. The Marlin special Target is no slouch.

The thing I like about Anshutz is the sights and the ability to be competitive for indoor target shooting.

The CZ's are also good from what I've seen at our range. Especialy the ones with set triggers. Boy, those things are sweet.


06-13-2007, 06:14 PM
Apparently me and Marlins dont mix....they must be Yankees ;)
Seriously though, I have bought probaly a good half a dozen Marlins over the years, some new and some old. They all had flaws...the worst was a brand new 22 Magnum I bought.
I wont go through the long speel on what all happened with it, but the short of it is that it NEVER hit anywhere close to the same spot twice, open sight or scoped. I always thought that was really weird. Half the time it wouldn't throw the cases either. I had alot of folks look at it and nobody else could figger it out so I said to hell with it and bought a rem.
The 22 autos always seem to jam and don't seem to hit on much after 30 yards.

Now, this is just ME...they are perty popular I think so they must be just fine...maybe I was jinxed.
My vote is fer a rem or a savage. Both have been very dependable for me.

06-20-2007, 06:24 PM
just adding my 2 cents to all the mayhem simply ruger mdl 77/22
nuff said........

jon lynn
07-11-2007, 04:53 AM
[QUOTE]what would you recommend I purchase if price isn't an issue?


07-11-2007, 02:15 PM

07-11-2007, 05:57 PM
Anschutz. Go for one of them

07-13-2007, 10:55 PM
CZ 452 American. One sweet rifle...even when compared to my Kimber American (original)

07-22-2007, 01:12 PM
Well, as I suspected there is no clear winner in this wealth of info and suggestions. Never the less, your input is appreciated and it helped greatly. After some further research and touchie feelie of the real thing, I've narrowed my choice down to the CZ with set trigger or the Savage with Accu-trigger. The Kimber would be my next choice if I was feeling flush at the time. Rocky suggested the Savage with the money saved going toward a good scope; a fine suggestion, but I believe I have a couple of extra scopes around here somewhere.

Also - at Rocky's suggestion - I tore down the old Nylon 66 and gave it a good cleaning. Wow, was it dirty! The build-up in the barrel was enough that a 17 cal wouldn't have dropped through it. Had to plug the barrel and soak it for several days. Who said you never clean a 22? Anyway, before I lay-down the money for that new gun I'll see if the old one has improved. It use to be a good shooter.

Thanks again for your help.

08-06-2007, 01:25 PM
What? Who said you never clean a 22 rifle......?

I second what Rocky said, but I like the 510, 511, 512 and 513 guns. These are the actions with the double pinned barrels. Shot a few monthly SB silhouette matches with mine. Always the same thing, drag out the 512, snickers from the fancy gun crowd. Never saw a Mauser, Kimber, CZ or a big A gun walk off with anything, but tears. The only time I had trouble was when a fella in a wheel chair showed up with his 541s. We were always 1 critter apart and traded trophies on a regular basis. We became good friends. We both got a kick out of the $1,000 gun crowd walking back to their cars crying.

You want a good 22 rifle, go find an old Remington 500 series gun, a sporting gun, with a good barrel, you will be astounded at what they will put in the shade.

You might want to skip over the 514 and the 500X series, they were not built with the same quality.

09-08-2007, 02:59 PM
You can't beat a Marlin 925R with a tasco 3-9X 32 scope:) :)

09-08-2007, 11:25 PM
OK , Contenderizer what ya get/gettin? :confused:

09-09-2007, 10:49 AM
Contenderizer, if you haven't already got your new one, or, if you get the chance and see an Anschutz I recommend you give it a look over. They are shooters. Below is a .22 Mag, if you're looking for accuracy and it's for varmints or paper, it WILL do the job, Waidmannsheil, Dom.


04-26-2008, 04:11 PM
Guys, here is the latest on my gun choice and purchase. I actually ended-up with two 22's ... and neither one is a bolt gun.

OK, OK, I know what you are thinking and muttering under your breath. But you have to hear the story:

Many years ago I gave my youngest son a Glenfield Mod 60 which he used very, very little. He called me (after my original post) and asked if it was OK if he traded-in the gun for a Remington 30-06 he wanted. I told him h... no! Instead, I purchased it from him with the intent of eventually passing it along to one of the grand kids. When I went to his house to pick-up the Mod 60, his wife showed me a Marlin 39A Golden - that she picked-up somewhere but can't remember how or why. She intended to give it to my son to trade-in also. Sweeeeet.

So, here I am with two 99% guns, neither of which is a bolt action as I originally wanted. Nevertheless, I am a happy camper.

04-26-2008, 09:58 PM
Good ending. I have never gotten rid of a gun yet, and have no intention of ever doing so unless the gun is really ready for the scrap heap.

04-28-2008, 03:49 PM
You will love the Marlin golden 39a. I have seen 1 moa at 100 yards with one or two. Nothing like a lever action 22.

P.S. i used to be able to get the 39a's pretty cheap. Now those are worth more than the new ones MSRP 520.

04-28-2008, 09:46 PM
I have a couple here. One was my father in laws..and that thing will shoot. It truly is a minute of angle gun. The other one isn't quite as good but still acceptable. I also just sold a 39(not an A) that was in really nice shape. Went at a gun show for 425. Had a tiny crack in the forend but was easily 97% finish and blue. They sell reaaly good here in Wyoming. I bought the 39 back east for 225

04-29-2008, 06:47 AM
You just need a few more. Things will change when you run out of room in the safe, room for more safes and wall space. :)

04-29-2008, 08:00 AM
That isn't going to happen any time soon. We are working on building our own house right now, and I get to design the basement. So, not only is it going to have a 15x20 office for me, but it will have a 12x12 room with cement walls and a Browning vault door poured in place with a steel plate as a ceiling. The 12x12 room is going to be my gun room, which should be quite sufficient for all the guns I accumulate. Honestly, there aren't many more that I want. A couple of AR-15's, and AR-10, 3 Volquartsen 10/22's, a Ruger TGT .25-06, and maybe a really large bore rifle like a .416 Rigby. After that, the only thing I want is pretty guns that are really expensive, but that will probably have to wait for quite a while.

Then again, my father in-law loves the phrase "The best laid plans of mice and men."

04-30-2008, 06:34 AM
You might want to rethink the basement gun vault. Water runs down hill and fire is a very big exposure.

04-30-2008, 12:22 PM

What kind of door you putting on that vault? Going thru the same thing myself. Moving shortly and looking to build which means a new gun room. I'm sue the Sec of War will have something to say about it.

04-30-2008, 01:10 PM
I also have a cement room in the basement and have ordered a door for it from Browning. The room measures 15 x 30 and I have shelves to keep everything off the floodable floor... Oh that's right. This is Wyoming. We actually have rain here..every few months maybe. Actually the room was a food storage room for the Mormon folks that used to own the place. They keep a years worth of food for bad times in the future I guess

04-30-2008, 02:42 PM
Before you put anything valuable in a basement, go ask your local fire chief what happens to a basement in a house fire.

04-30-2008, 02:52 PM
Don't have to ask the fire chief. That is what I did. There is a 4"drain in the basement area of the room. Drains to the ditch behind the house. BTW if the room was upstairs and we had a fire they would get burned up instead of drowned anyway. I am doing this mainly for security from thieves anyway. I am building a powder magazine now in the field behind the house. Wanta keep the powder I have there....rather than the house. Just a building with 4 refridgerators in it to store powder in. Actually legal too in most all states. 100 lbs per fridge. But ya gotta cut the cord off.:p

04-30-2008, 08:49 PM

I think we have already gone through this. The house is going to have a sprinkler system and an ADT alarm system. I am hoping that there will not be any fires, but I'll install a drain in the floor like skeet did. I'm going to have another room in the basement for my aquariums with a drain in the floor, so why not one in the gun room. Even though the gun room will have a vault door to it, I'm still going to keep the guns in their individual safes. The safes are supposed to become air tight once they are heated, so hopefully that will cover the issue too. If I really start to worry about it, I'll get some insurance on the collection, but I seriously doubt I am going to worry that much about it just yet (i.e., my daughter just turned 1, so I have several years before she becomes careless and starts playing with matches).


I am looking at the vault door from Browning. If you purchase it before they pour your foundation and basement walls, you can ask them to pour it right in place and make a room with 4 cement walls and a vault door. The door looks almost like a regular 6 panel door except for the keypad or dial on it. I think my wife and I have finally decided on a plan that we like. Now, we just need to find a lot we like and a builder we can afford.

05-02-2008, 09:50 AM
Fabs, If you are going through the expense of 4 cement walls, consider a cement ceiling as well. You will then have a great storm shelter/safe room (great for re-sale value) as well as a very, very secure gun room. Add battery back-up lighting, a fresh air vent and a panic button for the alarm system, and you are in business! And, don't forget the dehumidifier for the guns.

05-02-2008, 12:05 PM
I like the idea of battery backup lighting. Think I will add that to mine. I may even put some solar cells up on the roof to charge battery power. Already have the cement ceiling and fresh air vent. Now you have my mind(such as it is) working. Got a couple of other ideas now

05-02-2008, 08:28 PM
I will have to do some more thinking on this and I'll have to talk to the builder about it once we decide who we are going with. Thanks for the ideas. I'll probably also do some additional research on safe rooms.

I was actually thinking about using a windmill for electricity, but who knows how that will go over.

05-02-2008, 10:34 PM
They have small windmill chargers that you could mount right to the roof. I just bought one(used for cheap) a couple of weeks ago. Haven't put it up yet. Have to get 3 or 4 deep cycle batteries. Going to use it for power in an outbuilding etc. Have a well on the place that has a solar powered pump(all in the barn) and not hooked up with no batteries. Haven't needed it but want to try to see how much water it will pump. It is mainly for watering cows. Don't even know if the panel charges. But I'm gonna find out. We are really dry here.

05-03-2008, 12:17 PM
Back to the original subject matter of this post for just a minute....

When I get ready for that new 22 bolt action, I am leaning toward the new Weatherby Mark XXII. The original Mark XXII was a semi-auto, but the latest version (newly released) is a bolt gun.

It's a joint venture between Weatherby and Anschutz, with a traditional Weatherby stock (beautiful) and Anschutz action and barrel. All of the reviews have been very good, and the gun has been proven capable of shooting 1/2" groups at 50 yds. About $850 should do it, plus scope.

Thanks for all of your input.

05-25-2008, 09:29 PM
In bolt actions, I have an old Winchester 52 that is a tack driver, but a little heavy even though it has the light target barrel. Next is a Ruger 77/22 that is a very accurate rifle. I wish it had a barrel that was a tad heavier. It likes Stingers but I usually shoot Winchester Power Points. (P-dog control). And since I gave two CZ452s to my grandsons, I have found they are very accurate. I am a bolt action fan, more of a sniper than spray and pray.:D