View Full Version : First Lynx

03-26-2007, 01:43 PM
As I approached my 4th set yesterday, my heart was racing. I could see where the lynx had come out of the thick willows and was working the edge toward my set. As I approached, my heart sank and bitterness was starting to build. I could see the cat checked out my wing/CD combo and then promply stepped right next to my foothold and continued on the trail. Naturally I had put in a snare on his trail and naturally he stepped right around it! So, I relured, threw a another 4 coiled #3 Bridger and continued down to the next sets.

As I approached set number seven, I could see a little movement. I thought maybe it was just birds moving branch to branch, but I was WRONG! I had a lynx. My drought is over! She was caught in an outside of the cubbie foothold and it was a perfect, frontfoot whole pad catch. She was anchored good, so I took a couple pictures and dispatched it. I made another set further up the slough and headed home. YAHOOO!



03-26-2007, 11:55 PM
Nice lookin cat, Congrats!

03-27-2007, 12:35 AM
Waidmannsheil Kusko -- very nice lookin' cat, Dom.

03-27-2007, 05:33 PM
Congrats man...Ain't nothing like a first one(of anything) is it?? Nice lookin cat. We got a cougar living behind us somewhere. Found its track in the dust on the irrigation canal road about 125 yds from the house. Hope I get t see it!

model 70
03-28-2007, 10:49 PM
Nice work. what did you catch it in? coil? snare? i figured a cs but can't see the trap.

also, how do you normally anchor in sets like this?

what did you use to dispatch it?

03-29-2007, 12:11 PM
It was caught in a #3 Bridger CS. There are snares in this set, but it never ran into any. My sets usually include two footholds, one in and one out of the cubby with snares about 3-10 feet around it. There are a lot of rabbits this year so the lynx aren't very hungry.

03-02-2009, 11:48 AM
Way to go :) VERY cool pic too, love the way the light and shadow shows on him :)