View Full Version : SD Weather

03-30-2007, 09:10 AM
Well we had our spring snow storm and it braught a ton of needed moisture to the area.

03-30-2007, 10:42 AM
Nulle, we got a little under a foot of the ol white stuff..Yesterday and today..actually Wednesday and Thursday. It was 76 degrees and beautiful on Tuesday..12 hours later it started snowing. Ah Wyoming weather.. Just about like back east! BTW we really needed the moisture too. They got 2 ft up in the Absarokas and about the same or more in the Bighorns. It was really looking bad for this year. Now...I'm off to do the gun show...if we have any customers?!:rolleyes:

03-30-2007, 11:06 AM
Well its rain around here, SE Iowa.
Several nice sunny days,around 70. Temps in the 50s at night.
Should be down in the 30s at night. I even went fishing wednesday.
Caught 1 little catfish. They are biting and moving out of their winter holes. Rivers up so the fish are heading up the feeder creeks.
best of luck

04-03-2007, 07:36 AM
Snowing again today and thats ok it wont last long. So far I have caught two 34" cats and lots of little ones but havn't hit the walleyes yet.

Mil Dot
04-04-2007, 05:28 AM
I'm planning on a little fishing in the next couple days, hoping to run into those walleyes. Reservoir I normally fish is extremely low right now, no boat access. I guess it's time to bust out the belly boat.

04-24-2007, 12:44 PM
Still getting rain and feels more like Fall.

04-24-2007, 12:46 PM
One thing if this keeps up the Mountains should be in good shape for awhile.

Mil Dot
04-25-2007, 01:45 AM

One of my buddies, 29"L 16"Girth

The Walleyes have been hitting.

I don't know why I have so much trouble posting pics here, sometimes it works sometimes not.

04-27-2007, 01:44 PM
Not bad and wished ours would pick up. I have been after the turkeys the last few weeks and a ton of them around but they also have 15 hens with them so it's been tough.

04-27-2007, 06:14 PM
In Deaver yeaterday..it rained. Never rains in Deaver...Then it started snowing.. Hardly ever snows in Deaver..then the sun came out and by 4:30 in the afternoon it was 64 degrees. Sheesh. But it is getting green.:D

Tall Shadow
05-02-2007, 02:47 PM
Any of you guys know what the weather has been like around the Wall area lately?

Some friends and I are coming out in June to zap some Prairie Dogs, and I've been wondering how the weather, grass, and dogs are shaping up?

Tall Shadow

05-05-2007, 12:58 PM
That would be just down the road East of me and they have been getting rain also. We have had 2 inches today so far (5-5-07).

Tall Shadow
05-05-2007, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Nulle
That would be just down the road East of me and they have been getting rain also. We have had 2 inches today so far (5-5-07).

Sounds like a good recipe for that "Gumbo" that I've heard the ground turns into after a good rain! WOW!

I have a couple of quick questions for you.....

(1.) Is this a "normal" spring time thing, or are you guys getting more (less) rain that the usual spring time season?

(2.) How is/will this effecting the grass(es), and/or Prairie Dogs?

(3.) Should I be worried, Happy, Cautious about the rain(s)?

(4.) Is the Wall area a "Good" one for a few (3) guys to come out in late June, and shoot some prairie Dogs? (Public Access land/willing land owner wise?)

Thanks for the information

Tall Shadow

05-06-2007, 09:15 AM
I can help Nulle out a little.
The weather we are having, is for right now better than we have had for a few years, but it's pretty normal. The rain is good for the grass and the grass is good for the PD's. But that's for now that could totally change by June and sometimes does. I think you should be in good shape for this year. Hopefully we will continue to get more rain through the spring and summer. I live about 90 miles west of Nulle and on my rain gauge as of 5:00 AM 5/5/07 to 5:45 AM on 5/6/07 we had just under 5". Now that's on my rain gauge and that's not the norm for here. but once in a while we will get big storms like that. If we get a 1/2" that's a good rain for here. Can't help you with the Wall area for being good for PD's or not, but the way things are shaping up it looks like it could be a very good year for all the animals.

Tall Shadow
05-06-2007, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by gspsonny03
I can help Nulle out a little.
The weather we are having, is for right now better than we have had for a few years, but it's pretty normal. The rain is good for the grass and the grass is good for the PD's. But that's for now that could totally change by June and sometimes does. I think you should be in good shape for this year. Hopefully we will continue to get more rain through the spring and summer. I live about 90 miles west of Nulle and on my rain gauge as of 5:00 AM 5/5/07 to 5:45 AM on 5/6/07 we had just under 5". Now that's on my rain gauge and that's not the norm for here. but once in a while we will get big storms like that. If we get a 1/2" that's a good rain for here. Can't help you with the Wall area for being good for PD's or not, but the way things are shaping up it looks like it could be a very good year for all the animals.

Thanks gspsonny03, for the update!
I've been trying to set this trip up for some friends and I. We had talked about making the trip, something like 15 years ago, but with two of us starting families and work, Etc. We never did make it. I (We) have never been to S.D. or Prairie dog hunting, and since my friend has had to recently retire (Medical) from being one of the country's top federal snipers, His father and I are trying to make this the start of a semi-annual trip (He misses putting those skills of his to the test.) and give him (and Us!) something to look forward to....
But I'm having a heck of allot of trouble finding out just where the Dogs are/Where we should be.

Unlike Our overpaid politicians, my friend isn't sitting on a large retirement income (Nor am I, I'm only 44 + Wife & 2 teenage kids) So I'm trying to do this as inexpensively as possible, while making it a fun & worthwhile trip.

I hope that things will work out that way for us.

Thanks Again!
Tall Shadow

05-06-2007, 01:42 PM
I just noticed something in the S.D. Hunting and Fishing Guide. It says that PD season is closed on public land after the 14th of June. The guide also says that pd's are found on all five indian reservations. Wall is just north of the Pine Ridge. Have you given any thought about maybe trying there? Their phone # is (605)455-2584. They could give you more info on whats what, or you may want to go further west and north around Belle Fourche. North from there is more grassland. Don't know about the ranchers. Jonesy might be able to help you out there as well.

Tall Shadow
05-06-2007, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by gspsonny03
I just noticed something in the S.D. Hunting and Fishing Guide. It says that PD season is closed on public land after the 14th of June. The guide also says that pd's are found on all five indian reservations. Wall is just north of the Pine Ridge. Have you given any thought about maybe trying there? Their phone # is (605)455-2584. They could give you more info on whats what, or you may want to go further west and north around Belle Fourche. North from there is more grassland. Don't know about the ranchers. Jonesy might be able to help you out there as well.

WOW! Dude, you really had me scared for a second there........

I'm pretty sure you've miss-read your Hunting & Fishing guide.

The guide says, and I quote: "Traditional Season: Year-round on private land; season closed on public land March 1-June 14."

Whew! I had to double check it for myself.....Just to make sure it wasn't my mistake. :)

Thanks for the other locations tho' !
That would have been a disaster, had it been closed After June 14th!

Tall Shadow

05-07-2007, 07:36 AM
The Aberdeen area was hit with 5 + inches of rain and this is not a good thing for the pheasants this time of year. I am sure many nests were flooded out from this .

05-07-2007, 05:12 PM
Sorry TS. I did midread it. Glad you caught that. I couldn't figure out why it was closed for those dates, but that makes sense now.
Again sorry.

Nulle, I heard they had 7-1/2" inches over there according to the weather service and when we went over at the end of April to Aberdeen to pick up our new pup it was flooded at that time. Water was standing everywhere then. I can imagine what it must be like now.

05-08-2007, 06:16 AM
If it was flooded then already maybe the pheasants had already found higher ground to nest and some will re-nest later.
Who did you get the pup from over there ? Back in the 70's I raised Shorthairs in Aberdeen.

05-08-2007, 08:19 PM
I believe the name was Little River Kennels out of Stanton. I saw that the weather channel was showing the town of Aberdeen and they were getting around in boats. That didn't look to good for the pheasants or the people.

05-10-2007, 05:11 AM
I'm sorry the name of the town is Stratford, not Stanton. Not sure where I came up with that.:o

05-10-2007, 08:49 AM
Stratford was just 3 miles south of where my kennel was and I think thats the same kennel that is now in Isabel and I sell him some birds to train with.