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View Full Version : Any one reload with surplus bullets?

03-30-2007, 06:17 PM
I have seen 5.56 pulled projectiles from river valley ordnance really cheap $45.00/1000. Is their any thing special I need to be on the look out for. They claim to be resized and picked over to remove chewed up bullets. Why do they need to be resized? will bullet sealent the ocasional one be a problem, how hard is it to remove that stuff.

Thanks Mike H

03-30-2007, 08:52 PM
edit: whoops misreading my notes here, that aint a bad price at all.

I have bought mixed bag bullets from bulletmakers before and as long as you pay attention to what your doing when you measure and weigh them, they work just fine.

Dan Morris
03-30-2007, 09:11 PM
I've got several k of 162gr 30 gi ball, new, not pulled. These are left over from original DCM days. I've shot em for years and had no problems...just use em for paper punching.

04-02-2007, 10:06 AM
I've used pulled GI FMJ's in an M-1 Garand.
The bullets were a 147 grain 30 caliber FMJ, and the bullets had been collet pulled.
Winchester sells a 30 caliber 147 FMJ that appears identical.
That made me curious, so I did a side by side comparison of the 2 bullets to see how the compared. The short answer is that the pulled bullets didn't shoot as well as the new ones.
The pulled bullets shot reasonably well, though, so they're useful for casual banging away, if the price is good.
But,if you want the best out of your rifle, new bullets work better, IME.

Rocky Raab
04-02-2007, 12:23 PM
Yup, I'd consider them as plinker/practice bullets only. Cull the worst-looking ones and use the rest for bore fouling loads, fun loads, casual shooting and such. You should be able to remove any sealant with some bore solvent on a patch or just slosh the whole lot of them in a little gasoline or mineral spirits and allow to dry thoroughly.