View Full Version : Glock Models 22 and 27

Joe Boleo
04-07-2007, 07:31 AM
Anyone see this link about these .40 caliber Glocks? I found it to be interesting. Take care...


Adam Helmer
04-07-2007, 09:33 AM

Many thanks for posting the Glock link. I had problems with my Glock when I carried it on duty and Glock told me to "use less oil" on the M19!

My M19 trigger return spring quit, fortunately on the range, three times in 7 years which completely tied up the gun. I did ask the Glock folks in Smyrna, Georgia what oil had to do with it and got no logical response.


Gil Martin
04-08-2007, 07:17 PM
I read the link. All the best...