View Full Version : Carry gun opinions

04-09-2007, 10:44 AM
Yeah I know I know I am openin a can of worms here. I am looking at the charter arms mag pup in 357 mag. The one I am thinking about is a stainless. It only comes in a 2.2" ported barrel, 5 shot configuration. Anybody have any experience with this gun and carrying it in a concealed carry position? A buddy of mine got ahold of an older model blued spurred hammer charter arms off duty in 38 special. I REALLY like the way that one feels in my hand and responds to the trigger. Thats why I am looking at the pug. I would just as soon have it without the porting but that aint an option.



04-09-2007, 11:09 AM
After reading alot of reviews online I am wondering about going with the undercover in 38 +P instead. Apparently alot of people have had problems with the pugs locking up. I have not read a single account of that issue with any other model of charter arms revolvers.

Still need opinions though. (That don't involve a 44. I am trying to stick with calibers of ammo that I already buy)


04-09-2007, 01:46 PM
ok so I am stuck between the sinless (Edited to say STAINLESS NOT SINLESS. . . . . thats what I get for posting on a Monday) spurred undercover 5 shot. And the stainless spurred police undercover 6 shot. Either of these will meet my need, so long as they hold up. I am really leaning towards the 5 shot, BUT the 6 shot is built off of the bulldog frame.

GoodOlBoy - impatient and awaiting opinions :D

Rocky Raab
04-09-2007, 02:08 PM
Hell, they're ALL pretty good.

The new Charter Arms company (and their guns) are NOT the same as the older ones. I'm not sure about what design they modified to come up with the new guns, but I believe them to be closely related to some Rossi designs. In so, they'll tend to be robust and reliable, but a titch rough working. especially in the DA trigger pull. Nothing that can't be smoothed out for little cost, just something they couldn't afford to do and still sell the gun at a bargain price - which it is.

My old-style, old-company Bulldog .44 is as smooth as glass, but it's been shot a goodly amount, and may have been smoothed out before I bought it, as well.

If none of your Charter choices pan out, the Taurus M-85 is a fine .38.

04-09-2007, 02:40 PM
I have never felt the need for .357 mag in a belly gun. At the range the gun is usefull for, a .38 Special is more than adequate, and easier to control.
Second the Taurus 85. I have been carrying a 85CH, a stainless, hammerless snubbie for years.

04-09-2007, 02:43 PM
Yeah I heard their quality went back up some after they started working with MKS. One of the things that does attract them to me is priceing. Don't get me wrong my life is worth every dime I can afford to pour into protecting it. The problem being that what I can afford doesn't match what it is worth to me so I have ta get the best for my duckies.

I am STILL leaning towards the Stainless, Spurred, 5 shot undercover with the full sized grip.

And like I said the only model of theirs I have seen reports of issues with are the pugs (dangit and I wanted one!)


Skinny Shooter
04-09-2007, 04:22 PM
GOB, I have a 357 and used to use with 38special Hydroshoks for close range groundhogs.
I winged one at distance with the 22-250 and the chuck made it to its hole.
Walked up and was going to finish it off with the wheelgun.
After absorbing a couple of shots I was down to two in the cylinder and the bugger came up after me from the hole.
Killed it with my final round. Thought I was going to have to throw the durn gun at it... :D
From then on I save 38's for the range and use 357 mag loads for critters and bad guys. I know that an animal is different than a person but this is just my opinion. :)
Hey, what happened to getting an XD-45acp?

04-09-2007, 04:34 PM
bleh I was told that even on duty off campus until I got my TCLEOSE I hadta keep it concealed. Since this is Texas and we wear slacks, and short sleeved button downs most of the time. . . . . no XD for awhile bro.

Problem is I can't trust the pug man. I have read toooo many horry stories the last couple of days. Wish I could. But it looks like it will be 38 for me. Better than what I am carryin now.


04-25-2007, 09:32 AM
Woot she came in yesterday and I took her home an babied her! Needed ALOT of oil. Anyway. Looks good, feels good. I will post a pic when I can, and shoot her when I get the chance.


02-24-2008, 01:13 PM
i use a taurus pt945b as my carry weapon ,, i use a pants holster by uncle mikes and put it in the small of my back , i shoot 230 hollow pointremington golden sabers, nice light midsize 45 weighs about 28 ozs , nice to shoot also , but right now i'm looking to go to a 1911 of some sortsand give this one to my wife she wants something bigger than what she has now

05-28-2008, 03:53 AM
I use on of two guns. When I am going out of my neighborhood I carry a 357 mag 6" in a pancake that was custom made to stay concealed. When i am in the neighborhood I carry a 45 colt derringer with extra rounds. My neighbors are good folks who all know each other and talk. I am very fortunate to live in an area that is much like a small town. We all watch out for each other - and keep out of each other's business. Very polite and alert.
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