View Full Version : do you think this would stop the shootings

04-19-2007, 06:02 AM
I know this will never happen freedom of the press and all. Beside they might sell one more paper.what if when a tragic thing like a school shooting happens they do not say a thing about it in the news. The shooter will get not noticed at all. I realize im grasping at straws here. But if it would stop one shooting it would be worth it

04-19-2007, 10:39 AM
Who knows?
This young man was very disturbed, so trying to figure out what would/wouldn't motivate/trigger him is pretty difficult to predict.
I'll tell you what I think might have prevented this tragedy: the perpetrator had been admitted to a mental health facility, and after 1 day, THEY LET HIM GO.
I really question whether someone like the perpetrator can be evaluated accurately in one day, especially in light of all the warning flags that had been raised about him by students and teachers.
I know it's popular to blame the press for everything ;) , but, IMO, in this case, there are better places to look for who dropped the ball.

04-19-2007, 04:33 PM
Its hard to say. With 300 Million in the US alone plus another 15 Million undocumented quest workers the actions of 1 wacko is understanable but not acceptable. There will be a lot of hind site with this but unfortunally probably nothing would have stopped this quy. Still we have 32 family who have lost loved ones. Yes, it sucks.

Skinny Shooter
04-20-2007, 11:44 AM
Just like the Stockton shootings years ago, the system failed those college kids.
Both murderers had mental health historys. But can that be disclosed when a psych tries to buy a gun and gets their background check?
That's an invasion pf patient privacy and the more than a likely a HIPPA violation.
That needs to change.

And I do blame the media for the constant airplay of this murderer's videos and other photos which will just encourage more nutcases to do their thing.
Now we have a wave of school threats across the country. Thanks media.
If it bleeds, it leads... :rolleyes:

Skinny Shooter
04-20-2007, 12:00 PM
Just like the Stockton shootings years ago, the system failed those college kids.
Both murderers had mental health history. But can that be disclosed when a psych tries to buy a gun and gets their background check?
That's an invasion pf patient privacy and more than a likely a HIPPA violation.
That needs to change.

And I do blame the media for the constant airplay of this murderer's videos and other photos which will just encourage more nutcases to do their thing.
Now we have a wave of school threats across the country. Thanks media.
If it bleeds, it leads... :rolleyes: