View Full Version : New Shotgun For Wife

04-26-2007, 10:32 AM
Was looking around for a new shotgun for my wife and found an older 1100 with a 28" fixed mod barrel The gun is either late 60 's or early 70's manufacture in darn near NIB condition. Who ever previously owned it never even installed a recoil pad. Needless to say $370 including tax I walked out the door with it.
I've since cut it down and installed a new recoil pad and tore it down gave it a good once over and off to the club. As expected like older 1100's it preformed flawlessly and wife broke 16 & 18 from the 16 yd line and a 37 at doubles trap and couldn't be happier.

04-26-2007, 11:04 AM
I dunno that I woulda traded my wife fer THAT. I think I woulda at least demanded a couple extra cases of skeet er somethin.



04-26-2007, 11:43 AM
Darn it GOB, you beat me to it!
And I don't even know how to type out the "drumroll":)

04-26-2007, 11:58 AM
Personally, I think that was a great swap. LOL

All kidding aside, you got one heck of a deal on that gun, and it seems as though your wife can shoot it pretty well too.