View Full Version : Tagged out this morning...got a nice Tom !

04-28-2007, 11:05 AM
04/28/07...Took a nice 'Tom' this morning at 30yds...21 lbs, 10.5" beard, 1" spurs...gorgeous bird.

Sitting just in the edge of the woods along side a small green-field, I set up 3 hen decoys at 15yds and a Jake at 25yds. Never heard a single gobble all morning, but patience paid off at 9:00am...this Tom eased out of the woods and started for the decoys.

He would hunker down in strut position and walk with baby steps for a few yards, then come out of strut and return to a normal stride for a few yards, all the while heading for the Jake decoy...in and out of strut position several times coming across the field...was really a highlight of Nature to see that so close and in bright sunshine his colors were beautiful.

As he passed about 5 yards behind the Jake decoy he went into strut position again and I leveled the Flintlock while he had his head down...when he came into the clear on the left side of the Jake, I made a clucking sound with my mouth (since my mouth call was safely in my vest ! ) and he broke strut raising his head & neck again...dropped him where he stood and he never moved. Been a great season for me this year and both of my turkeys were taken coming to that new Flambeau Jake decoy.

Plus, this Flintlock is a turkey hunter's dream.
(.62cal/.20ga Flintlock, 80grns Goex 3F, 2 Oxyoke lubed wads, 1+5/8oz #6’s, Circle Fly over shot card)






Gil Martin
04-28-2007, 07:17 PM
Very nice pictures. Thanks for sharing. All the best...

04-29-2007, 12:05 AM
Congrats. Well done. Great pictures also.

04-29-2007, 06:49 AM
Very nice bird, excellent pictures. Best of all shot with a proper ML and lock.

04-29-2007, 07:12 AM

Great pictures of really nice bird. I'm impressed and like to see that it was taken with true smokepole.


04-29-2007, 10:44 AM
Once I started taking deer with a Flintlock, everything else I have just lays oiled in their cases...haven't hunted with anything but a Flintlock for 6 years now...a lot of satisfaction and it's made me a much better shot and better hunter too