View Full Version : Our Town Yard Sale last Saturday.

Adam Helmer
05-17-2007, 02:51 PM
I am a yard sale enthusiast! Well, last Saturday we had our town-wide yard sale. It was a sunny day and lots of places had stuff out in the yard. I passed by the kids clothes, toys and knick knacks and went for the hunting/shooting/collectable stuff.

I found a large assortment of muzzleloader stuff. Unfortunately the guns were long gone by the time I arrived, but I did get a tackle box FULL of nice ML stuff: a powder measure, a pan primer, a possibles bag, bullet starter, nipple picks, a dozen flints, various boxes of round balls in calibers I can use and a large assortment of pre-cut patches.

The seller had a large box of cans of BP , Pyrodex, Clear Shot and Clean Shot in various granulations. I bought ONLY full SEALED cans of powder. A note of caution is needed here: One should NEVER buy partial cans of propellant UNLESS you know real sure the can is labeled for the contents therein! Fortunately, this guy was a fellow club member who is giving up hunting and shooting for health reasons. Now, old hound and I need to go to the backyard range to shoot off all my Yard Sale Savings.
