View Full Version : 1860 army

05-21-2007, 06:46 AM
bought 2 Colt army handguns from a man who was strapped for cash a wile ago. I love shooting them and when i bought them he told me that one did not cock properly and had to be moved by hand. I took it apart and found the trigger and bolt spring broken so I ordered a new one. Replaced it and it worked like a charm for a while. Started acting up again and when I took it down noticed that the spring on the hand assembly was broken. Replaced it but I still have not been able to get it to rotate to the next cylinder it stops about half way.
I changed the cylinders to see if maybe that was wearing out but they both did not cycle on the frame. My question is would the main spring have anything to do with this. The one pistol is tight, nice crisp tension, when cocking. the one that does not cycle is loose and a little sloppy. Thanks

05-30-2007, 03:55 PM
Take the two guns apart, keeping the parts together for each gun.

Try the hand from the gun that works in the gun that does not work. When you change the part and it works you will find your problem. Once found, order a new part.