View Full Version : 9.3x62mm African gun

05-21-2007, 04:38 PM
I have just built a 9.3x62mm rifle and have shot about 50 bullets through it at the range. I like it. It does not have the kind of recoil that hurts. It has respectable recoil but not punishing. I read that it has approximately 20% less recoil than the 375H&H magnum with comparable penetration using 286 to 300 gr. bullets. I have also read that it is legal for dangerous game in a number of African countries. I would appreciate any comments on this caliber.

07-07-2007, 10:15 AM
Gun laws vary from country to country so it's best to discuss this with your PH. Many areas allow your caliber but you'll want to check before you go as things can change rapidly in Africa. It is a minimum caliber in some countries for DG. Good hunting, grayghost

07-16-2007, 06:44 PM
I had some problems with the reloaded casings being damaged in the 9.3x62mm so I sent it to the gunsmith that made up my 280 remington, 338-06, and 22-250. He checked it out and there was excessive headspace resulting in excessive recoil and casing damage. He had to rechamber it. I should have it back next week. It has a 20 inch barrel and is really a pleasure to carry and to shoot especially in the brush or velt. The 30-06 length cartridge feeds like butter in a 30-06 or Mauser sized action. It is a Mauser caliber so it will work great in the Mauser 98 magazines without any modifications. I would recommend it to anyone wanting a moderately big caliber rifle to shoot moose or the big bears or perhaps a trip to Africa. On smaller game it does less meat damage than your fast smaller calibers. Here is a good link that describes it and compares it to the 375 H&H.

08-14-2007, 11:03 PM
How did it turn out Bob?

12-03-2007, 01:03 PM
Grayghost, I finally got around to getting the 9.3x62 headspaced. It now is the most accurate rifle I have. I shot 1/2" groups at 200 yards with 270gr speer bullets that I had handloaded. I shot two hogs with it and it was very effective. I shot one through the shoulder and it did not damage the meat as much as my old 270 would have. I am extremely pleased with it.

01-04-2008, 05:26 PM
Next trip to Africa? I've got in invite in April to hunt Botswana, RSA and Kwa-Zulu Natal over a 14 day jaunt. Haven't decided yet as I'm already booked for Zim (Leopard) in June, but the discount price is inviting (someone had to cancel). 1/2" @ 200 is outstanding! Are you going to DSC next week? grayghost

05-07-2008, 12:14 PM
Again I realize this is an old thread, but this reply may help someone else who is thinking of useing the 9.3X62 for Africa hunting!

The 9.3X62 is one of the most popular rounds in Africa, by the locals! That cartridge has probably taken more big game in Africa than any other, by local ranchers. It was, and is used for anything they need to shoot, regardless of the fact that it is illegal in many cases, and places, for anything more dangerous, and larger than a Leopard.

The 9.3X62, and the ballistic twin, for double rifle the 9.3X74R, are the absolute minimum for the big five above the Leopard. That fact doesn't mean the cartridge will not cleanly take Cape Buffalo, and with precise placement, elephant. Still it is not a big bore but a small medium, with big bore starting at .400 caliber, produceing at least 4000 lbs of energy at muzzle. With proper bullets, and ammo loaded to proper velocities, I absolutely love the 9.3 in all it's configurations, but my favorite is the 9.3X74R in an 8 1/2 pound double rifle ! I would take on any thing that walks in Africa, or any other place on Earth, but I'd pick my fights with causion! The old 1912, 375 H&H in a bolt rifle, or the 375 Flanged mag in a double has a little advantage,over the 9.3s, but not by much.

Many have problems with the feeding of a 9.3X62 rifle, because they make their cases out of 30-06 brass, and this is not a good idea, because the "head" ( the portion just ahead of the rim grouve) of the 9.3X62 case is larger that the same place on the 30-06 brass, and the case swells there on fireing, most times allowing the case head to stretch more on one side than the other. This causes the rifle to feed badly! That is something you do not want with a lion coming in fast after your first shot didn't put him down.

The fix for this is to buy 9.3X62 brass to start with.

I have three or four mod 98 Mauser actions that I'm comtimplating building a 9.3X62 rifle on! But today my pair of rifles for Africa, are a pair of Merkel double rifles. One a 9.3X74R and the other a 470NE, so no matter which is in my hands at any time the rifle will "DO" for what ever pops out of the thorn, to supprize me!

Once the rifle is feeding properly, and set up properly for a DGR, then the 9.3X62 will do a fine job, if you do your's! :cool: