View Full Version : winchester mod 700 30/06 value

05-29-2007, 11:54 AM
Pretty much asked what I need to know already....but it has a tasco scope with see through mounts on it.....neighbor wants to sell it to me....any suggestions on the value?....I have no books on gun values....thanks.

05-29-2007, 03:10 PM
I dunno Skeeter, and I'm not an expert, but ya know, it's worth what somebody will pay for it and how long owner wants to wait if he wants a good price. You sure it isn't a Mod 70 Win? Anyway, a lot depends on how bad you want it. Personally, I wouldn't give much for scope or mounts, probably go $300 if in decent shape and it's not been abused and looks ok. A real deal would be less, hard to tell without looking it over and maybe a few shots downrange. Caliber is great, can't have too many ought sixes, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

05-29-2007, 07:03 PM
oops..it is a mod 70...not 700....just too many 0's in there.

Dan Morris
05-29-2007, 08:54 PM
What does the serial number start with, if it is the letter G, it is a post 64 and the price is right If it6 is a pre 64, worth every penny of that.

06-04-2007, 06:53 PM
Well I found out it was made after 64 and sold it for $300 on the spot..and got it way cheaper than that so I was happy with the profit...I would have liked to keep it but have enough as it is....