View Full Version : gunbroker grrrr

06-06-2007, 12:55 PM
You know I just have to vent about this. People on gunbroker piss me off SOOOO bad sometimes. I don't know if they are ignorant, OR if they are trying to pull a fast one on people.


I am looking for a Marlin 1894 CS 357 mag lever action rifle. This is a tapered octagonal 20" barrel. Marlin also made and 1894 LIMITED which had a 24" octagonal Barrel. Then they make the 1894 Cowboy which has a 18 1/2" ROUND barrel. (Yes I know at times these configurations may have been changed.

Every day when I get on I see NEW (in the box new manufacture) 1894 CS rifles being sold as LIMITEDs, and 1894 cowboys being sold as 1894 CS rifles.

It makes it frustraing as heck when I am trying to find a rifle I am looking for and people cannot list it correctly. It would frustrate me LESS if these were private sellers, but almost ALL of these guys are gunshop owners, or wholesalers who SHOULD know better. In point of fact some of the private owners give better information than these guys because they are LOOKING at the gun they want to list not just randomly copy pasting from Marlin's website into their sell description and title.

End of Rant.


jon lynn
06-07-2007, 10:48 AM
What gets my goat (or sheep for lesser things:D ) is their optics page. You see the word TACTICAL way too much, and before that SNIPER was the 'cool sell' word.

06-07-2007, 06:05 PM
oh yea I hear ya. The sad part is that if it didn't work they wouldn't do it.

Takes all kinds.
