View Full Version : possible bags

06-10-2007, 10:46 AM
I have 2 possible bags both are yoused millitery bags 1 is a old u.s. gas mask bag and the other is a swiss ration bag.
The reasen i have 2 is becouse i have 2 typs of guns and like to keep the powders apart.
I have looked for years for a possible bag that would look more traditional but never found any i like.
I was wondering if i am only picky or does any one else have the same problim.
I no ever one will think i am funny but the best bag i have seen is my wifes coach bag and she said i cant have it. lol
I no when the girls frome here read this they will no what a coach bag is.

06-10-2007, 11:50 AM
Dunno if you are into ebay or not but check out this guys store: http://myworld.ebay.ca/joek8252/

Joe Kelley makes some really nice bags and other items.

heres an example of his stuff:

I bought a bag off him quite a while ago and was very happy with the price, shipping, and the actual quality of the craftmanship.

06-10-2007, 12:22 PM
A womans shoulder bag is the ORIGINAL possibles bag still in use today... coach is just more expensive.

This is one thing I tend to keep as simple as possible and typically I use canvas military ammo pouches or other pouches that hook up to the old webbed belts and put it on my belt in front of my knife. Two pockets, simple, and accessible.

I prefer the use of a speed loader of some kind, whether a rolled up paper cartriges or plastic loader. If I'm using conicals, I will absolutely use a plastic 58 caliber speed loader. With round balls, on the other hand, I use either the speed loader or a paper cartridge that are easily made.

Loading blocks are the easiest way for me to load a round ball and I use one that has a push pin attached to start it.

All this and a pan charger are easily stored in a small canvass pouch on your belt. If I need anything beyond this, its in my fanny pack or back pack.

Aloha... :cool:

Adam Helmer
06-11-2007, 07:13 AM

You make a good point about leather purses, or coach bags, making fine possles bags. Over the years I have bought several leather shoulder bags at yard sales for less than a dollar each.
I have a possibles bag set up for flinters and caplocks.
At the local gunshop a plain, and flimsy, possibles bag costs about $30.00.

You might give the yard sale circuit a try in your search for a possibles bag.


06-22-2007, 07:21 PM
I'm just getting into ML and have been pondering what I would use for a a possibles bag. I just about settled on my Fanny Pack which is waterproof. Felt that canvas or leather would leak and possibly ruin the powder.

New England gets damp in the fall so waterproof is a must for me.

Adam Helmer
06-23-2007, 01:07 PM

I am glad to see you posting here, again.

I bought a nearly new leather purse for a quarter last year at a church yard sale that has a full leather flap that goes over the top. It looked like a $100 dollar possibles bag when I saw it on the table among other purses. Anyway, it is fully waterproof because I put neutral shoe polish on the bag and buffed it a bit with a shoe brush.

I put my loads up in speedloaders in ziplock sandwich baggies to further ensure they are waterproof. If it is a "gully washing" downpour, I go home and sit by the fire until the weather clears. I also put my coinwrapper premeasured powder charges in ziplock baggies to keep them waterproof in the possibles bag. A leather possibles bag is just so traditional, eh, wot?


06-23-2007, 05:08 PM
I like to put every thing i have in my possible in ziplock bags that way if a spill or the bag gets dumped ever thing would stay dry.
I keep a speed loader in my shirt pocket .

06-27-2007, 05:20 PM
I use a coon skin bag now (after many years of carrying military surplus bags)

Can someone post a pic of it if I sent it to you ?
