View Full Version : Late Freeze could affect Bears

Dan Morris
06-10-2007, 04:29 PM
Colo DOW announced yesterday that late freezes could affect
berry crops thus putting bears on the prowl in camp areas and residential areas. Just want campers to keep an eye open. Shouldn't be a major problem.

06-12-2007, 08:45 PM
I have found the years of drout or late frost the bear hunting tends to be a little better here in mich a failed berry crop like you said means they are looking for food.

06-12-2007, 09:40 PM
Can't they just go to Burger King like every body else?


06-13-2007, 03:30 PM
man it would make it a hole lot easyer on me if they would.lol
FYI they do like dunkin donuts and tim hortins but have found the sugery preserved crispy creams last longer in the bait can.lol

Dan Morris
08-20-2007, 07:33 PM
We are getting a LOT more bears in neighborhoods, looking for handouts n trash cans....sign of short supply of food.

08-21-2007, 03:51 AM
I guess that I thought with all the rain that you guys were getting down there, that you would have all kind of graze down there for them to eat. Didn't think much about the fact that you didn't have any berries. Thanks for the info.

Dan Morris
09-10-2007, 08:11 AM
DOW announced Friday, that so far this year they have handled 877 bear encounters! Previous record was in the low 500's.They are hungry and like the cats, they have lost the human fear.

I should also note that Nevada bear encounters are up a whopping 300%!!!!!

Sources, www.9news.com and DOW

Dan Morris
09-15-2007, 05:51 PM
Had three in Boulder on Friday alone......put one down.....was a three time looser. Food n people moving into the habitat.....sows n cubs are prevalent. Just watch the way you store stuff and in camps. I really don't think they are a danger unless you get between mom n cubs......just be safe!

09-15-2007, 07:32 PM
I seen on the news the other night the one they had up the tree by the school. I figured they would put that one down as it had been tagged and transported out of that area before. Never heard what they did with it.

09-15-2007, 07:48 PM
We've had bears coming into town the last few weeks. Week before last we had 3 in or near town:eek:

Dan Morris
09-15-2007, 09:04 PM
Food n humanoids moving into the bedding place..............sad,
but mom nature and people cause it! Boulder Park Ranger commented...while standing betwen mom n cubs.. she had run up a
tree..."She is stressed"........well, get out of the way!
Sad, but this is MN way.

I have no idea what they did with the one they did away with.....
This is why I DON'T hunt bear......if I'm not gonna eat it, I don't hunt it! Only as a last resort........will I kill one.

PS, had a cat in back yard this evening..........called DOW.....it ran,no threat.....lil one bout 75 lbs.Walked out on deck and this was laying in NW corner of back yard...switchin tail........thought of roping it...thought better.LOL

I am a Littleton mailing address.....I live in foothills by C470

09-16-2007, 01:19 AM
I wouldn't have to worry much about roping it. Never got the hang of it, but then with my luck I would have probably caught it and then what would I have done.:eek: :eek: