View Full Version : Shot some prairie dogs over the weekend.
06-11-2007, 07:06 PM
Went and did a little clean up work. My buddy has been working hard on poisoning prairie dogs this year on his ranch. He figured he had about 1100 acres of them. He obviously didn't get them all, but did a pretty good job. It was really strange to see all the grass where there was PD towns. There were little pockets of PD all around the edges and a couple areas where a few moved. Shot a couple hundred or more, used a 17hmr and a 223, most were young ones. He was going to disc some areas this week. I can understand, but it was one of my better places to go. They never got shot unless I went down and that was only once or twice a year and mainly to bring a kid or an old buddy.
I guess I'll have to see what's going on at the PD towns on some of my family's ranches, haven't been out there for years.
After all these years I was kind of bored with shooting prariedogs, but I kind of had a good time with the small bores. Used a buddys 17, that really impressed me with shots 200yds or less. It was a little tack driver and really did the trick on PD's. But the 12 bucks a box to shoot that 17hmr is a little stout.
06-11-2007, 07:55 PM
Hi bud. I just purchased a 19 caliber rifle. The parent case is a 30 carbine necked down. 17 grs of powder and an honest 300yd rifle. I've only been out twice with it so far thanks to the crumby weather we been having.
The rifle itself is a CZ 527 and converted over to a Pac Nor 19cal Barrel. It's the first NEW rifle I bought in 25 years. WOW. Single set trigger is the works. My first groups just dinking around were .7's.
This is the dream cartridge of a Montana guy by the name of James Calhoon in Havre. He has 3 of them actually. The 19 Badger which I have, the Calhoon Hornet, which for all practical purposes is an Improved Hornet in 19 Cal and the 19-223 which is again an Improved 223 to 19 Cal.
As soon as I seen the results with the Badger I ordered a 19 Hornet barrel from Match Grade Machine for my T/C Contender and told Jim the other day I would would want him to order another Barre for a Model 10 Savage I want to make a Switch Barrel rifle out of. It's presently a 223 AI.
I have approximately 120 rounds through the rifle so far and have not cleaned yet and it still looks fresh. I'm going to clean at 150 rounds to see if there is copper residue. Jim said there won't be any.
I am just tickled pink with this setup. It's now my dream cartridge also. It sure beats the heck out of my 204 Ruger. Better accuracy and less copper fouling.
I had some surgery last week so I'm out of action for awhile.
If your looking for a rifle I highly suggest looking at the 19 cal. It's a winner.
By the way your lady is still gorgeous.
Best wishes, Bill
06-12-2007, 07:02 AM
Billy, I would love to be in the market for a new rifle. I am still trying to get the ones I have in various stages of completion done. Oh, some day I'll be able to get another rifle.
Sorry to hear about the surgery, hope everthing turns out OK. I'm having some problems with my back again and have a appointment this morning in Rapid City with a specialist. Hopefully I'll be fixed up soon too, it's driving me crazy. You know, being Summer and having so many things that need to get done.
Thanks again for the complement on Tracy. She's doing well and we are doing well. It was her son that I took out shooting prairie dogs. It was just a great weekend, we had some friends over Sunday and BBQed. We all visited and laughed and there must have been 10 kids running wild having a great time. I'm looking forward to this Summer and some of the things we have planned.
06-12-2007, 01:08 PM
Hey pardner
You got your priorities straight. Take care of the lady and the kids. Theres always time for rifles later on. Ask me, I had 5 kids. My wife and kids were always first in my life.
Since I'm now stuck with an empty nest I started occupying my time with rifles. Now I have amassed such a collection I spend more time on maintenance than I do shooting. Thats OK, keeps me out of the bars and off the streets. ;)
You know for years I got along with an "06, a 220 Swift, a model 61 Win, a Win model 12 and a Ruger Single 6. Now I have one room set aside just for guns. I'm going to have to get an armory permit before long. :)
What kind of back problems are you having? I had herniated discs in mine and had 2 surgeries so far and I still got problems. Mine was agravted because the Doctors? I had in the military didn't know their butt from their elbow. They thought I was they typical slug that didn't want to work. That was not the case at all.
Take care bud.
06-12-2007, 01:53 PM
Yeah Billy, I've also had two back surgeries. I have three ruptured and two herniated discs. So it gives me grief off and on. My pain tollerance is pretty high, so I can still function with quite a lot of pain. I just deal with it. Tracy rubs my back frequently which helps tremendously. I also stretch and ride bike, which helps too. Today's appointment set me up with some more tests and some more physical therapy, neither of them I'm looking forward to. The problems I've had with my back have already tied up too much of my life. It hasn't stopped me from doing anything, just slowed me up substantially.
06-22-2007, 08:36 AM
Do you ever hunt on Pine Ridge or Rose Bud or mainly just private ranches?
06-22-2007, 08:58 PM
Just friends and family's ranches. It's not a very big deal to me. I'd rather do a lot of other types of hunting.
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